Dude has the name “pryde” in his username. How applicable - rainbow skittle parade pryde fronting ass. Can’t make this shyt up. Dudes be projecting their past indiscretions on to innocent e-victims - stuck his thing into the wrong hole and need a cyber screenname to blame. Haunted by hermaphrodite e-ghosts sins of their past. Oh shyt- she said clit and posted up a movie clip-oh shyt, she has “Harlem” in her name, ohhhhh shytttt - she took 1 pic with an Asian - oh shyt, she curses too much - it’s shimmmm.

Post your voice in real time that wil suffice - that’s a recorder voice alt, sky daddy run her off!!!

every new female that joins but as long as you’re a stripper or sexcort bytch- or white. You’re good.

Racist white boy says n-er unhinged- “leave him alone, he’s one of us !!

Wench posts up anti- blackness- “she has a fat azz, and showed her t*ts, leave her alone; you’re probably a 400lb lonely bytch”

Racist white boy says n- er or posts up aryan-alignment, coded w.s. cacking - “black women don’t help us do shyt!”
Cacs - we’ve been here since 20— it’s out of context. Let’s revenge post and call her a “man” that’ll show her: unite with the c00ns to get this shyt popping. We will make her a “c*nt” with no credibility can’t let her get away with pointing out our racism. CU later, black bytch”

Mother should have smacked the fire and flames out of these hos for putting this shyt on us.
“hayyyyyy huntyyyyy, where’s “h—-t” then tried to cover it up - “I was just asking if they ran you off”.

Bytch do I look like I’ve been run off?? You’ve Been here 20 years and acting like you can’t look up a member’s last 10 posts

It’s a crime on the coli to defend black people and not be that sexually experienced while having 1 comment out of 52,000 makes you an “alt” even if you post in the Root, The Film Room, No Dm solicitations and no rumors about fukking or linking up with coli randoms or trying to date any male posters over a 3 year time spans. c00n, c00nette, Cac Coli Legends and Legacies have it- that if you type the word “candyman” backwards 5 times from your keyboard - a shaman named sheman will appear.
TL/DR thread summary. That all I got from it.