What was said that's antisemitic? I'm ignorant as hell on the Jewish topic and I only saw the 2 minute clip about certain being less compassionate.
I've never really listened to Farrakhan but what does he say or teach to get people so mad? I read a quote about Hitler from '84 or some shyt. Why is it the worst thing in the world to call Jews the devil? I ask because it's not like black people don't get lumped into groups and looked at as one since the countries inception.
What's the difference? Why is one greater than the other? Jews were gifted a country. We stuck here with nothing. Your country gets paid for no reason to this day. What about black americans that got screwed because we weren't seen as complete humans?
I'd like to take about after slavery and reparations. Your biggest atrocity was in late 1930s to the mid 1940s. I'll end by saying our atrocities "ended" in the 1960s. Why does or why is "your" land still receiving money and you've got your land well before the Civil Rights movement?
I'm all over the place but I don't give a fukk.