You sure? Maybe youre right.
This slack jawed yokel cac KNEW it was him
This uneducated white trash
“I thought he was going to be a great leader,” Wolfe said after a 26-16 loss in Buffalo, according to the
Denver Post’s Nicki Jhabvala. “I thought he was going to be able to put people in place to do their job right and get things done. I thought that was the problem with the leadership of the country, that we weren’t putting the people in the right places to get the jobs done that needed to be done.
“And I thought they were going to give me a little tax break. That’s not happening. I’m really disappointed by the way he’s been acting. That’s just the way it is.
I was disappointed with the way Obama had been acting. You’re going to be disappointed with the president. That’s just the way it is.”