If Winston becomes a tad more consistent with his accuracy -- SPECIFICALLY WHEN TARGETING MIKE EVANS -- and the Bucs just go ahead and give Ronald Jones the RB1 role... they could be hell to deal with offensively.
Either NE took Buffalo lightly (from time to time the Pats throw clunkers), or Buffalo's defense at home is very formidable. Doesn't matter because Allen ain't at a point where he can win a game with his arm yet.
Cleveland functions MUCH better when people are off the bandwagon. They don't do well with pressure. They need to make it a point to ensure Chubb gets at least 20 carries because he can be a monster, and it's better for their offense that it revolves around him.
DeShaun Watson is not going to make it through the season.
When it comes to opposing defenses, Carolina's Run CMC is the most problematic white man since Attitude Era Stone Cold Steve Austin. The 1000/1000/100 campaign is alive and well.
APPARENTLY, Daniel Jones saw tougher competition in the ACC.
I cannot for the life of me understand why Phillip Lindsay and Todd Gurley aren't touching the ball more.
I don't care what Dak, Mahomes, Brady, etc. do... apparently Detroit might not be bad, and if they go 11-5 or so, Matt Stafford ought to win MVP.
Speaking of Mahomes... the fact KC won a shootout type game without him throwing a TD pass gives me slight hope in their defense going forward.