It's tradition.Boy, this went left fast.
It's tradition.Boy, this went left fast.
The other one clearly states someone is looking to purchase a black woman. With cash.In that pic you posted, it clearly states that it's a sale of slaves at an auction
plenty of them like this. This is a black woman.
Yes,European admixture is the most common admixture.Indigenous;not so common.My point still stands.There are many regions where African ancestry doesn't exceed 10%.
Nikka everyone in America is mixed. You probably got at least 30% non black blood in you yourself
Dominicans are mixed.... Mixed people are not Black
I really don't like bedwench being used on this site to describe a Black woman who dates white men....
This article reiterates that Black women were stolen, sold, held captive in the homes of slave owners and raped
The two are not conceptually congruent
And this is a woat thread title
Now these c00nettes volunteer for that shyt.
You can utilize other terms in order to depict the shame... Using bedwench conflates the willingness of interracial dating to rape during slavery
Crazy how things are in this country
Am I the only one who doesnt think interracial dating is a big deal? How does preventing this improve the lives of poor blacks?
If its above 40ish percent and birth rates are down then there are obvious issues.