Newbie truck drivers are out here making $1500 a week


All Star
May 22, 2012
1100-1500 a week is not really bank. I'm at a entry level job right now and get 2500 every two weeks and that still isn't really enough for me to live comfortably. I pay 1400 in rent right now and i cant see myself being stuck at 4-5k a month forever. A dude i know who works in my field told me he makes 9k+ a month. Your better off going to school there's a lot of expenses on the road and truck driving ain't good for your long term health.

Keep in mind he said after taxes. And it depends on where you live... 1100-1500 a week in GA is really good money. Especially for driving a truck. That's almost 6 figures before taxes. You could live pretty comfortably in Georgia making anything over 65-70K. And that's not to say you couldnt live good making less than that. I was doing fine when I was making 42k. Saving and everything.