I see a lot of people dappin up Malta in this thread... As a Maori who lives and has always lived in NZ I gotta say most of what he's saying isn't accurate.
First off, it's an honour to do the haka, any version. Most NZ sports teams perform it to show respect to the Maori warriors of past. And as someone mentioned it is always lead by someone of Maori descent. It's not a case of stealing culture, but that culture being embraced and the haka is one of the most important things to 99% of Kiwis, regardless of race.
And before this thread gets sidetracked any further I'll add this as a last point, in NZ we currently have our own political party with seats in parliament reserved only for Maori so we always have a voice, and if anyone can show me another government who has admitted wrong-doings to its indigenous people and paid reparations of almost $1 billion dollars I'd love to see it.
On topic:I wish we were even a little bit more competitive, NZ basketball needs all the help it can get
Thank you for clarifying.