Here's the thing, the whole "City Never Sleeps" is more a figure of speech but it's still true. There are businesses that close normal hours like most places in the U.S. but what separates NYC is that there's ALWAYS something open 24/7 or mad late. If you are up at 3am and you want a beer. You can go to a store and buy it or hit up a bar, there's always one open. There's always somewhere to eat late. Mad diners in Queens, BK and Manhattan that are open specifically to catch drunk folks coming from bars late. Manhattan of course is open 24/7 just about everywhere, something is open late. I've lived in NYC for over a decade and what amazes me is no matter how late I am up, wither it be 3, 4, 5 or even 6am. There are people out and about. The Train stations and trains are mad empty though late at night and you might be waiting a long time for one. But the great thing about living here is I don't see how anyone could be bored living in NYC. There is literally something to do every day of the week and literally some place you can go to have a great time. But the Saying is true, The City DOES NOT SLEEP, there is always someone up doing sh!t in NY. Also one of the greatest things about Living in NYC. You don't have to worry about Driving home after you get drunk as hell, Trains and Taxi's=GOAT. I feel sorry for people in the South which is why there is a lot of drunk driving.