agreed, and the group is the 80 odd percent making less than 80k a year and the working class who push the poverty line
i would like to hear more about this. i dont see how the downfall of education can be placed solely at the feet of teachers unions or public sector pensions but i would like to hear your views on this.
There are no incentives for teachers. In my school district (buffalo, ny) 25 percent of black males graduate. Once a teacher has been in the system 3 years he can never be fired. However, young teachers come in energetic, then last in first out finds them out of a job every summer. By the time they make it to the three year mark theyre frustrated and dont care.
When people moved to the suburbs the cities lost their tax base. However, the public sector unions did not lose their incredible pensions and benefits that the cities could not afford. Unions are nothing but labor gangs. If people are good workers they should be able to negotiate their own terms of employment. Unions 'cheat' the system and mostly only exist at this point in the democratic cities as an ode to a semi-marxist ideal.
And no, the group I was referring to is the super rich. Any solution you want to propose to any problem better benefigt them, or it wont get the green light. Americans are too busy hating each other, and have been for 150 years, to do anything about that. Im not saying I wish it to be that way at all but thats reality. We have a pay-to-play political system.
Unions are nothing but 'I got mine' and do absolutely nothing to improve the economy, GDP, or workers in this country. This is not the 19th century anymore. Manufacturing is not coming back at 28 dollars an hour ever again. Since the bail out gm has even only been paying 14 an hour. There are too many people that can do the jobs\s you refer to as 'sub 80 k' to expect the people with those jobs to get crazy benefits. All this does is create more competition among the working class for the same jobs. Leading to an even greater 'got mine' culture.
The only government solution I see is to embrace socialism, a 20-30 hour work week, and guaranteed income for everyone. This could be done through worker rotation. But since this is not in the interest of the super rich it will never happen.