so what was it truly about?
The main motive was to have something big play out in order to secure more funding for the ATF.
so what was it truly about?
The main motive was to have something big play out in order to secure more funding for the ATF.
the main motive was to have something big play out in order to secure more funding for the ATF.
Even you know this isnt true. They may not be as willing to engage in open conflict with each other, but they fear each other and build armaments to outdo each other.
Maybe you should give Civilization IV a try. Its a great game, friend.![]()
so you believe they burned children to secure more funding?
Yes, which is what makes it so horrible.
These are facts, not theories.
is there any evidence behind these "facts"? any case, the BATF's public relations officer was stationed in Waco on the day of the raid ready to issue a press release announcing the raid's success. [19] A much-publicized raid, resulting in the seizure of hundreds of guns and dozens of "cultists" might reasonably be expected to improve the fortunes of BATF Director, Stephen Higgins, who was scheduled to testify before the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government on March 10, 1993. Investigative reporter Carol Vinzant wrote:
*5 In the jargon of at least one ATF office, the Waco raid was what is known as a ZBO ("Zee Big One"), a press-drawing stunt that when shown to Congress at budget time justifies more funding. One of the largest deployments in bureau history, the attack on the Branch Davidians compound was, in the eyes of some of the agents, the ultimate ZBO. [20]
60 Minutes rebroadcast the BATF segment a few months later. Host Mike Wallace opined that almost all the agents he talked to said that they believe the initial attack on that cult in Waco was a publicity stunt--the main goal of which was to improve ATF's tarnished image. [21] The codeword for the beginning of the BATF raid was "showtime." [22]
the raid failed though, and 4 ATF agents got deaded. then the FBI got involved, and there was a long standoff. there was a fire. probably caused by the FBI's tear gas canister, but who knows. and in the end they found mad weapons
like most cult leaders, Koresh had a 13 y/o wife and child abuse allegations. I agree the outcome was fuct up, but I don't think it was planned, and I don't think Koresh is worth defending. he put all those kids in danger by having a standoff with federal agents
All of the pedophilia charges against Koresh were bullshyt, again, this is basic info.
Plus, Koresh didn't put them in danger, the ATF most likely shot first, what do you do when someone's shooting at you?
And don't forget, officially they burned themselves alive.
how can you brush off the "pedophilia charges" as being bullshyt? the charges didn't stick. but multiple independant child abuse and pedophilia charges, along with being a cult leader, isn't a good look
we don't know who fired the first shot
if it was themselves, or the FBI, how does that work into the ATF's plan to get more funding? was losing 4 agents, and letting the FBI take over, part of the plan? the FBI was involved in a long standoff, so it's not like they came in and saved the day. the outcome was horrible, and didn't look good for any of the agencies involved
how can you brush off the "pedophilia charges" as being bullshyt? the charges didn't stick. but multiple independant child abuse and pedophilia charges, along with being a cult leader, isn't a good look
we don't know who fired the first shot
if it was themselves, or the FBI, how does that work into the ATF's plan to get more funding? was losing 4 agents, and letting the FBI take over, part of the plan? the FBI was involved in a long standoff, so it's not like they came in and saved the day. the outcome was horrible, and didn't look good for any of the agencies involved
I hate it when ca--uh, people bytch about the "tyranny" of Waco and the Ruby Ridge incident and are silent about all the terrorism committed by authorities against the Black Panthers, civil rights and black nationalist groups, and the countless cases of police brutality against black citizens...not to mention the Wilmington NC, Rosewood, and Tulsa incidents.
Another thing that needs to be pointed out, I'm no fan of the NRA, but the main point is actually true. The idea that the Civil War was fought over slavery is as much a myth as Christopher Columbus trying to prove the earth was round or the Easter Bunny.
debatable but lets not get into that. the point of my post was over time as america becomes more liberal the NRA will radicalize to the point of effectively destroying themselves, and the gun lobby. hopefully every lobby.