Piff Perkins
You're missing the point. Cole has had an issue with pounding you with descriptions because he's not really an evocative writer. It's the difference between Canibus describing something and Nas describing something. "Mornings was hash browns" tells me everything while being stirring and more evocative than 4-8 bars exhaustively describing the same circumstance. Common is another evocative lyricist ("said it was her toes but I could tell her soul hurts"). Kendrick is an evocative lyricist ("brown skinned, but your blue eyes tell me your mama can't run). The guy in your avatar is an evocative lyricist.Tell me you didn’t grow up poor/ lower class without telling me you didn’t grow up poor/lower class
Cacs like Fantano and Rollingstone can’t relate
Cole has certainly improved in that aspect since his mixtapes, but at his core his mind and pen work in a way that leads you to "this happened and then this happened and then this happened" narratives. Rappers like Nas, Common, Andre, Kendrick etc aren't interested in that type of structure and have more interesting approaches that are more prose-like.