New ABC Poll show that Black people oppose Trumps immigration policy more than Latinos do


May 24, 2012
Tha Land

We actively want more competitive, racist groups entering the country.

We're never gonna win.

Disagreeing with trump, doesn't mean that people want more illegal immigration. It just means they aren't dumbasses ready to believe whatever emotional rhetoric these white folks give them.

You coli militants so concerned with being militant that you'll cosign the dumbest shyt, as long as it makes you feel better:smh:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I swear some of you are so desperate to be reincarnated as a racist white man...its like dripping thru your pores.

This is what happened with poor and middle class whites. Politicians and the powers that be played to their worst instincts and convinced them that blacks were taking their jobs and were the bane of their existence, which of course meant that laws should be taken away or introduced, and govt. should be starved, in order to correct the "black problem"...well now these same whites are wondering why they dont have a pot to piss in after they voted against their own economic self interests for so long.

Lemme ask you --- if we have to apportion billions, potentially trillions to get rid of illegal immigrants and "build a wall", where do you think that money is coming out of, lol? Right out of services for the poor and lower middle class (black folk).

Blacks are actually far more politically savvy than we are given credit for. If you compare our views to those held around the world in high performing nations, we fit right in with the global community. Its just that America is far right bordering on extremism (many nations have free health care and we think Obamacare is "socialism").

So we're gunna do all this so that blacks can perform the sort of back breaking labor like picking fruit, or thankless jobs like cleaning hotels? Immigrants come over quietly and work hard. They arent bothering black people, and blacks are smart enough to not fall for the naked, racial tribalism. LOL at wanting to get in bed with the Ann coulters of the world.

You niccas are like that dumb ass black dude in the video that Trump left hanging at one of his events. Y'all claim to love Ali so much, but his famous "Aint no viet cong ever called me a n---er" quote was designed to send a message that black folks werent gunna act like the attack dogs against other races at the behest of racist whites. Seems y'all could learn a thing or two..
Man stop. You live here. I live here. We all have stock in the future of this country.

You can't have a situation where you have 11-30 million ILLEGAL immigrants. That shyt is just unacceptable and no nation on earth would ever tolerate such a serious problem. The border between Mexico is the most active border crossing IN THE WORLD. People come to the USA legally all the time. The problem I have is with people from all stripes who put a continuous drag on the the USA with unskilled labor. There are real effects to these outcomes and they shouldn't be ignored.

Do I think its ok to relegate black people menial labor? No. But citizens should be preferred for these positions. SOME work is better than no work and unskilled labor shouldn't be competed for with people who shouldn't even be here. Point. Blank. Period. And guess what, its harder to exploit people who have legal status.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
What he Hell are you writing about? That is some crazy shyt. Do you know anything about illegal immigration to the USA? Hell the Europeans were some of the biggest set of illegal immigrants into the USA. Look up the history of the Italians and Irish in this Country. They were some of the biggest groups of illegal immigrants ever.

So stop singling out Mexicans. You Africans need to learn more about America, before you start taking White people opinions.
1 million chinese came to the USA illegally last year. Illegal immigration across the mexican border accounts for 65% of the illegal immigrants to the USA.

I'm not focused on hispanics. I'm focused on unskilled labor, and just because you live next door doesn't mean you get to exploit and abuse that situation.

In fact, no black person can just take a hike to get here.

We have to win lotteries, have skilled backgrounds with assets or education, or to risk overstaying visas and other forms of entry. We can't swim here. We can't walk her.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Your facts are wrong. Blacks don't benefit from Hispanic immigration. Hispanics do way more work than just labor. They do the jobs blacks also do. Studies say that more Hispanic immigration to an area leads to more black unemployment and crime. The fact you can wax on spreading propaganda and lies (i.e. "aren't bothering blacks and do manual labor only') is reason enough to ignore your fakkit c00n ass.

The point is that illegal immigrants should not be competing for ANY employment that unskilled Americans of all stripes can't even compete for. And its harder to exploit people who have legal status in the first place.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Since when are black (or white) people trying to get the jobs that most illegal immigrants take - ie a lot of agriculture and food production stuff.

I like how my mom summed it up: Trump is clearly racist, and just because he's focused on Hispanics today doesn't mean he won't be focusing on black people tomorrow.
The problem is that we can't know how much jobs are being taken from Americans who are under-employed simply because illegals keep getting hired (which is a problem and I don't support it) but there are so many of them that you can't just remove them from the equation to answer that problem.

I was listening to the Adam Corolla podcast and he said in all his years of contracting that he's probably worked with a literal handful of black day-laborers. Imagine if there weren't all those illegals removing opportunities from that many more black people and underemployed people of other ranks.

If we're talking about things that help more people, employment focused on blacks has to be paramount and illegal immigration does NOT help people who are already economically disenfranchised.

Some wages are better than no wages, and illegal immigrants pinch black people even further.


Nov 25, 2014
Black people always going hard for other races :pachaha:
Think all immigrants are Hispanic brehs.

OP got pieced up in first post


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Man stop. You live here. I live here. We all have stock in the future of this country.

You can't have a situation where you have 11-30 million ILLEGAL immigrants. That shyt is just unacceptable and no nation on earth would ever tolerate such a serious problem. The border between Mexico is the most active border crossing IN THE WORLD. People come to the USA legally all the time. The problem I have is with people from all stripes who put a continuous drag on the the USA with unskilled labor. There are real effects to these outcomes and they shouldn't be ignored.

Do I think its ok to relegate black people menial labor? No. But citizens should be preferred for these positions. SOME work is better than no work and unskilled labor shouldn't be competed for with people who shouldn't even be here. Point. Blank. Period. And guess what, its harder to exploit people who have legal status.

Estimates are closer to 11m with 50% of that being from Latin America. So about 6 million people

America currently has 319m people.

So about 2% of the people here "illegal Mexicans"

So you willing to spend millions maybe billions, other resources and political capital, and dampen diplomatic relations with the rest of the world, just to attack the 2% of the population with the least power.

And you think this is a good idea to get behind:francis:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Estimates are closer to 11m with 50% of that being from Latin America. So about 6 million people

America currently has 319m people.

So about 2% of the people here "illegal Mexicans"

So you willing to spend millions maybe billions, other resources and political capital, and dampen diplomatic relations with the rest of the world, just to attack the 2% of the population with the least power.

And you think this is a good idea to get behind:francis:
What matters more to you? The nominal number or the percentage?

I'm just saying that the number of illegal immigrants shouldn't be in the millions, regardless of where you come from...but when you make up 65% of a problem :manny: :ufdup:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
What matters more to you? The nominal number or the percentage?

I'm just saying that the number of illegal immigrants shouldn't be in the millions, regardless of where you come from...but when you make up 65% of a problem :manny: :ufdup:
What matters to me is using resources in the best way to benefit middle class black Americans.

Immigration is behind literally dozens of issues that are more important. Hell we wouldn't even be competing for those jobs if the rest of this countries policies weren't so fukked.

The entire debate is a distraction and a way for politicians to gain votes by playing off people's fears and insecurities.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
1 million chinese came to the USA illegally last year. Illegal immigration across the mexican border accounts for 65% of the illegal immigrants to the USA.

I'm not focused on hispanics. I'm focused on unskilled labor, and just because you live next door doesn't mean you get to exploit and abuse that situation.

In fact, no black person can just take a hike to get here.

We have to win lotteries, have skilled backgrounds with assets or education, or to risk overstaying visas and other forms of entry. We can't swim here. We can't walk her.

First of all Hispanics didn't just wander into the USA; they have always been here. Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico were all a part of Mexico at one point. Texas was stolen from Mexico when some crackas from Tennessee went down there and set up a Republic. Then California, Arizona, New Mexico were stolen from Mexico during the Mexican-American war. That is why you need to learn some basic American history, before you start commenting on this situation.

And once again you are missing the point. Hispanics are here because White people lured them here to drive down the wages of Black people. Think about that a minute. Those folks were brought here to basically be the new slaves, because ain't nobody following any labor laws in hiring them and they sure the Hell are not paying illegal immigrants minimum wage.

Finally, you must be so new to this Country that you really don't know what White people are really saying. Mexicans are just the front that they are putting on regarding illegal immigration. What White people are really talking about is all immigration. In case you don't know; that means your ass and the Black people who are trying to get here. You think this shyt doesn't apply to you then you are crazy. Ask the Haitians if it applies to you.

Cave Savage

Sep 7, 2014
Women's rights
First of all Hispanics didn't just wander into the USA; they have always been here. Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico were all a part of Mexico at one point. Texas was stolen from Mexico when some crackas from Tennessee went down there and set up a Republic. Then California, Arizona, New Mexico were stolen from Mexico during the Mexican-American war. That is why you need to learn some basic American history, before you start commenting on this situation.

And once again you are missing the point. Hispanics are here because White people lured them here to drive down the wages of Black people. Think about that a minute. Those folks were brought here to basically be the new slaves, because ain't nobody following any labor laws in hiring them and they sure the Hell are not paying illegal immigrants minimum wage.

Finally, you must be so new to this Country that you really don't know what White people are really saying. Mexicans are just the front that they are putting on regarding illegal immigration. What White people are really talking about is all immigration. In case you don't know; that means your ass and the Black people who are trying to get here. You think this shyt doesn't apply to you then you are crazy. Ask the Haitians if it applies to you.
Partially untrue, Spain stole the land of those states from the Natives of those states then Mexico briefly owned that land when they gained independence from Spain. Although Mexicans (the indigenous ones) are racially the same as US Natives, they're generally not indigenous to what is now the United States.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Partially untrue, Spain stole the land of those states from the Natives of those states then Mexico briefly owned that land when they gained independence from Spain. Although Mexicans (the indigenous ones) are racially the same as US Natives, they're generally not indigenous to what is now the United States.

Mexico lay claim to those lands. Mexico ceded California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona to the USA after losing the War. And the Mexicans in California, New Mexico and Arizona are the same as the indigenous natives.

Look it up.
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