I swear some of you are so desperate to be reincarnated as a racist white man...its like dripping thru your pores.
This is what happened with poor and middle class whites. Politicians and the powers that be played to their worst instincts and convinced them that blacks were taking their jobs and were the bane of their existence, which of course meant that laws should be taken away or introduced, and govt. should be starved, in order to correct the "black problem"...well now these same whites are wondering why they dont have a pot to piss in after they voted against their own economic self interests for so long.
Lemme ask you --- if we have to apportion billions, potentially trillions to get rid of illegal immigrants and "build a wall", where do you think that money is coming out of, lol? Right out of services for the poor and lower middle class (black folk).
Blacks are actually far more politically savvy than we are given credit for. If you compare our views to those held around the world in high performing nations, we fit right in with the global community. Its just that America is far right bordering on extremism (many nations have free health care and we think Obamacare is "socialism").
So we're gunna do all this so that blacks can perform the sort of back breaking labor like picking fruit, or thankless jobs like cleaning hotels? Immigrants come over quietly and work hard. They arent bothering black people, and blacks are smart enough to not fall for the naked, racial tribalism. LOL at wanting to get in bed with the Ann coulters of the world.
You niccas are like that dumb ass black dude in the video that Trump left hanging at one of his events. Y'all claim to love Ali so much, but his famous "Aint no viet cong ever called me a n---er" quote was designed to send a message that black folks werent gunna act like the attack dogs against other races at the behest of racist whites. Seems y'all could learn a thing or two..
This is what happened with poor and middle class whites. Politicians and the powers that be played to their worst instincts and convinced them that blacks were taking their jobs and were the bane of their existence, which of course meant that laws should be taken away or introduced, and govt. should be starved, in order to correct the "black problem"...well now these same whites are wondering why they dont have a pot to piss in after they voted against their own economic self interests for so long.
Lemme ask you --- if we have to apportion billions, potentially trillions to get rid of illegal immigrants and "build a wall", where do you think that money is coming out of, lol? Right out of services for the poor and lower middle class (black folk).
Blacks are actually far more politically savvy than we are given credit for. If you compare our views to those held around the world in high performing nations, we fit right in with the global community. Its just that America is far right bordering on extremism (many nations have free health care and we think Obamacare is "socialism").
So we're gunna do all this so that blacks can perform the sort of back breaking labor like picking fruit, or thankless jobs like cleaning hotels? Immigrants come over quietly and work hard. They arent bothering black people, and blacks are smart enough to not fall for the naked, racial tribalism. LOL at wanting to get in bed with the Ann coulters of the world.
You niccas are like that dumb ass black dude in the video that Trump left hanging at one of his events. Y'all claim to love Ali so much, but his famous "Aint no viet cong ever called me a n---er" quote was designed to send a message that black folks werent gunna act like the attack dogs against other races at the behest of racist whites. Seems y'all could learn a thing or two..