If you can't find anything to watch on Netflix streaming for 8 damn dollars a month, you're asking for too much for too little $$$.
I have seen so many cool docs and movies outside of the big blockbuster obvious choices that I go to the theaters to see anyway. It's been well worth it and then some. Sure, more is always better... but you need to blame the studios for that, not Netflix. Their streaming-only price is commeasurate to their catalogue and is an absolute steal for all the content you have access to.
I could see people complaining if they were charging like $20 for the shyt, but it's $8... the price of a single drink on an average night out.
And as far as people saying "Oh, I'm gonna dropping them to go to Amazon or Hulu, etc..."
Why does it have to be either or? Combine them, you're still winning and have access to a huge pile of content for a relatively small amount of money on your smartphone, tablet, PC, and your TV. It's like damn... WTF else do you guys expect for such little $$$ every month?
Some of you guys just need to keep pirating and be done w/ it as nothing short of day one releases in HD of all brand new movies streamed to you for $14.99 is going to be good enough.