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I hated the victim's brother. He's a piece of shyt. I understand his sister was killed by SOMEONE but that doesn't change the fact that I want to slap him in the fukking mouth.
So basically the cops are FEEDING this disabled kid a narrative and he's agreeing with it because he doesn't understand he is confessing. The way his mind operates is that if he says what he thinks the cops want to hear then he gets to go home. It's criminal what they did to that kid. I can't understand how the judges, they are supposed to be intelligent people, how do they not see that the kid is mentally incapable of answering their line of questioning?
Now, you might ask.. if Steven didn't kill the woman then who did. That's a fair question but that's not the question that should be circulating around in the jury room. I want to know who broke into the 1985 case files and stole his blood samples. How are we going to just sweep that fact under the rug? There is enough doubt between that and the key that they found days later right in the middle of plain view that I would have held the entire jury up. The three stubborn jurors I probably would have socked in the mouth.
My theory is that Steven didn't commit this crime. I think the police had tunnel vision and more than that the ex-boyfriend and roommate had access to that property through the search team effort. I think the ex-boyfriend killed her and since he was well aware of the search effort to be conducted at the Avery's residence he planted the bones and the vehicle and then sent his cousin to "find" the vehicle on the property. Then the corrupt police planted evidence to make sure the charge stuck. The ex-boyfriend erased angry voicemails he left. He had her password. He probably left threatening voicemails.
That's what happened.