Netflix might have one: Making a Murderer (Dec 18th)


Just another post by
May 26, 2012
Dassey is going to wrestlemania


Also when did porn become so charitable ?

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
you know they wont let the nephew just walk out, there will be another trial of fukery
They can't win a retrial...

The federal judge tossed out the only evidence they had on Brendan by deeming the coerced confession inadmissible...

They literally have NOTHING without that confession...

The state is likely to just appeal the federal courts decision...


May 2, 2012
They can't win a retrial...

The federal judge tossed out the only evidence they had on Brendan by deeming the coerced confession inadmissible...

They literally have NOTHING without that confession...

The state is likely to just appeal the federal courts decision...


The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Making A Murderer‘s Brendan Dassey received some excellent news earlier this month when a federal court threw out his conviction for the rape and murder of Teresa Halbach. But he’s not out of jail yet, and may not be for a while if the state of Wisconsin decides to appeal the ruling or retry Dassey. The state attorney general’s office has 80 days left to act, and here’s their first statement regarding what’s next.

“We are still examining all of the options,” Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schmiel said during a press conference Monday. “There are a number of directions this case can go and before we make a determination as to which option we’ll pursue, we are going to want to give Teresa Halbach’s family an opportunity to have some input. We’ve been in communication with them. We’ll continue to outline all the different options with them and the likelihood of our success on each one.”

Related Links:

As we mentioned before, there are really only three options for the state: let Dassey go, appeal the habeas corpus ruling that nullified his conviction, or hold a completely new trial. An appeal is the most likely move because it avoids the messiness of completely re-opening Brendan’s case. Instead, it simply asks another judge whether they agree with Judge William E. Duffin’s conclusion that Dassey’s motion meets the ridiculously high standard required for habeas corpus cases. In order for relief to be granted, “a state court’s decision must be not merely wrong but so wrong that no reasonable judge could have reached that decision.” Considering 99 percent of all such petitions fail, it’s actually somewhat surprising that Brendan Dassey got one judge to rule in his favor.

We don’t want to speculate on what the Halbach family’s thoughts on the matter are. During the trial, Teresa’s brother Mike seemed convinced that Brendan Dassey was involved in the murder … but then again, Penny Beerntsen felt the same way during Steven Avery’s original rape trial. Who knows if some of the family have investigated the case further or watched the controversial confession that eventually led to Dassey’s conviction being tossed. And even without that confession, do they still believe Brendan had a part in Teresa’s death?

So many questions, so few answers. But it sounds like Brendan Dassey’s fate is now at least partially in the hands of the Halbach family, whether they wanted to be dragged back into the case or not.

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012

This was expected...

They don't have any evidence whatsoever linking Dassey to this crime, all they had was that fugazee coerced confession that was tossed out by a federal judge which makes retrying him pointless...The only other legal play the AG has is an appeal...Highly unlikely the state wins this appeal because its painfully clear Dassey's rights were violated...


I'm selling these fine leather jackets
Jul 5, 2012
Judge orders Making a Murderer's Brendan Dassey 'to be RELEASED from jail'

A US judge has ruled that Making a Murderer's Brendan Dassey should be released from prison, according to reports.

A photo of the ruling from magistrate William E. Duffin was tweeted by TMJ4 reporter Steve Chamraz this evening.

It states that Dassey should be released as long he submits to drug testing and agrees not to contact the family of Teresa Halbach or co-defendant Steven Avery.

The young man, now 26, was found guilty of the first-degree intentional homicide, second-degree sexual assault, and mutilation of a corpse of Teresa Halbach after a nine day trial in 2007.

Last month a judge ordered his release claiming his constitutional rights had been violated during and in the lead up to his trial in 2007 over the murder.

Photographer Halbach went missing on Halloween 2005, with police confirming her charred remains had been discovered in a burn pit on the Avery Salvage Yard ten days later along with her Toyota RAV4, mobile phone and car keys.

Dassey, confessed to helping his uncle Steven Avery rape and murder Halbach during an unsupervised interview with two investigators in March 2006, when he was aged just 16 and a minor, six months after the photographer was killed.

The judge responsible for overturning Brendan's conviction claimed the confession was involuntary due to the lack of a parent or adult during the interviews, Brendan's borderline to below average intelligence and the promise of leniency made the confession unreliable.

Dassey’s conduct during the interrogation and his reaction to being told he was under arrest clearly indicate that he really did believe that, if he told the investigators what they professed to already know, he would not be arrested for what he said," judge William E Duffin said.

Making A Murder told the story of Steven Avery, a Wisconsin man who was wrongly convicted of rape and attempted murder in 1985. He was released thanks to DNA evidence after 18 years behind bars, in 2003.

Steven filed a lawsuit against Mantiwoc County, the sheriff and the district attorney for $36million damanges. When his civil suit was still pending he was arrest and charged with the murder of Teresa Halbach. He was sentenced to life without parole.

Both Brendan and his uncle Steven, who has maintained his innocence, are still in prison.