On a side note....IDGAF, Pluto is still a planet to me and him and his white CAC wife can suck it!
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On a side note....IDGAF, Pluto is still a planet to me and him and his white CAC wife can suck it!
Sure, that's why I got educated on the subject and use both historical textual criticism and form criticism.
It hasn't been 'debatable' since Augustine's exegesis in the 4th Century CE up until the Scopes Monkey Trial in the 20's which birthed 'Creationism'.
Unless you're speaking to a fundamentalist/Creationist your critique is a waste of thought.
acri1 said:The vast, vast majority of Christians worldwide don't consider Genesis to be a didactic poem.
acri said:what exactly makes your opinion the definitive interpretation?
I'll take my chances believing in the most high while at the same time not ignoring the benefits of science. Being a balanced individual is great.
i agree. Religion is not science, there are fairly accurate ways to read the bible and believe in sciencem sadly too many religious folks abide by a too strict and literal a reading of the bible and that's sad.“Educated religious people are perfectly fine with that,” he said. “It’s the fundamentalists who want to say that the Bible is the literal truth of God and want to see the Bible as a science textbook who are knocking on the science doors of schools… Enlightened religious people are not acting that way.”
Tyson said that a “free country” means that people can believe whatever they want: “Think that there’s one God, two Gods, ten Gods, or no Gods.” But once those people start to enter the science classroom, that’s when he has a problem. “I’m not telling you what to think,” he said. “I’m just telling you in the science class, ‘You’re not doing science. This is not science. Keep it out.’”