Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
DC + Jokes/Quips/Comedy?
Dat Comedy!

Dat Comedy!


Meet the team that protects us from super battles! Powerless premieres Thursday, February 2 at 8:30/7:30c after Superstore.
Preface - this is not a brag...
I got propositioned by a couple dudes (great start!) to write a script for them. Without getting into too much detail, let's just say one guy has a really good contact (one of his best friends for life) and another guy is currently on tv (no one big, don't get too excited.) So i spoke to the guy and he pitched me... Powerless. It's different, but it's basically Powerless. So now I'm lost. Do I just write a "Powerless ripoff" just so i can stay in contact with these dudes? Guess I have to. I had zero intent to watch this show, i think it looks awful despite being a good idea, but now I basically have to study it so I can try to steer the story elsewhere.
this is all. have a good one
just seems like this is gonna be garbage, get cancelled and then anything resembling it will have a stink on it. even in a perfect world where I write a grea script and these guys make due on their promises and get it to the top eyes, it still seems like a huge waste of time... but i pretty much have to.If they're connected and you can make a legit relationship, then yes, write it, figure out a way to write a version that isn't exactly this. This is not the first iteration of this idea, nor will it be the last. This NBC version as was mentioned earlier looks exactly like Better off Ted, which NBC tried to re-do with Mission Control a few years later. NBC made WB fire Ben Queen (creator of NBC's A to Z a few seasons back) to re-tool this thing, but it looks terrible. I doubt it survives.
Preface - this is not a brag...
I got propositioned by a couple dudes (great start!) to write a script for them. Without getting into too much detail, let's just say one guy has a really good contact (one of his best friends for life) and another guy is currently on tv (no one big, don't get too excited.) So i spoke to the guy and he pitched me... Powerless. It's different, but it's basically Powerless. So now I'm lost. Do I just write a "Powerless ripoff" just so i can stay in contact with these dudes? Guess I have to. I had zero intent to watch this show, i think it looks awful despite being a good idea, but now I basically have to study it so I can try to steer the story elsewhere.
this is all. have a good one
ThisIt looks like it could be funny, but it also looks like it might get old quick...