I'm just excited that they took the time to answer everyone's prayer & convinced Justin Bieber to sign on as playable character.

Ronnie 2K 2K13 Ronnie 2K 2K13 ‏@Ronnie2K
We have a 3 on 3 blacktop online where you can invite your friends to play. You can use your MyPLAYER to team with friends #NBA2K13
Was crew really that dope? I never tried it.
You did'nt have TIME add crew mode? Oh aight...
damn I thought we'd have a demo today
2K Sports will be live streaming a full game of NBA 2K13 on Wednesday, September 19th at 5:00 PM EST. Check out the Oklahoma City Thunder (controlled by Ronnie2K) against the Miami Heat (controlled by LD2K). Here is the link to the live stream.
Was crew really that dope? I never tried it.