The Colis First Reaction Is Always Suicuide, It’s More Entertaining Than An Accident
This is news and not entertainment.
that is the issue with America having our education compromised by the udc. That people do not respect facts.
Plus any idea.
or extension of any said fact.
it is moronic.
it is like a child.
an ignorant child, who continues to think.
the iron plate of the iron is not hot.
Plus it eliminates.
the ideal of anyone being a prodigious child. As a prodigious child can process facts and move forward.
a non-prodigious child will struggle with processing facts presented.
to the point by proxy the udc and the individual state government allowing them to run education. Have all made us ignorant far from prodigious children by proxy. For more than 150 plus years. So we will never get progress on simple things to real matters. As they are systematically ruining our education base and our lives by proxy from ever showcasing growth.
that is how compromised in general we are in America. By not bringing these terrorist to justice and allowing them free reign in our country.
they are making us all stoopid as fukk by proxy.
that when someone who knows what a fact is.
is boo'd off the stage.
or in the case of mlk.
blasted in the face and stoned in the streets of Chicago during the civil rights era.
it is that level of ignorance on consistent widespread general display.
we are supposed to learn and build on.
instead,...we are being preyed upon.
by the udc and their errant corrupted education system.
doen to the text book being compromised before we were all born. Plus to cover it up textbooks are removed from out schools and books are made an after thought. For a digital arena where we can never truly know if the information is real. As it can be systematically altered.
it would be like allowing the declaration of independence to exist digitally as the original. Then allowing them to destroy or not care for the original.
that even in something as simple as swimming..
we don't even respect a body of water.
to be as dangerous as it is.
When you have to take swimming lessons and even a vest.
to generally survive in said body of water.
I feel for this young woman and shad gaspard.
even regardless of her past.
as the udc and by proxy this country has preyed on all of us. That we are all generally remedial at heart purposefully.
it is sickening.
especially once you learn the facts. Of which this country and the udc never wants you to respect what a fact is.
take down the udc.
know thine enemy.
art barr