Native breh breaks down Cherokee History


May 1, 2012
We can also trace when the land configuration changed. You are viewing the past like @It is a mystery , but we can track most of this stuff down like an episode of geological CSI-Miami. Everything from ice cores, to plate techtonics, to radiologic argon/potasium dating can tell us when and where land shifted. In fact, most of the continental shifting stopped prior to humans departing Africa, so land mass movement was not a factor in aboriginals or native americans leaving africa.

Now, i do concede that sealevel exposing land is an outstanding factor, but this is one of those things that the air composition inside ice sheets/ice cores can tell us more about. For example, the air has a different composition of elements at different points in earth's history; and this air can get trapped in ice at the poles as it freezes, so we can tell the level of seas by tracking the elemental components of air pockets trapped in ice at different levels(corresponding to how old the ice is) in history. From there we can use modern ocean floor mapping to tell which high elevation land was exposed during the aboriginal trek.

The prevailing viewpoint is that the continents had stopped shifting before aboriginals left africa, and that their long trek to Australia was fascilitated by drastically low sea levels, to the extent that primitive boats could have aided them in their migration. And by drastic i mean really drastic, to the tune of the ocean being more than 300ft lower than now.

And i will admit that this last point is extremely anecdotal, but the origin stories of the aboriginals themselves actually describe how low/high the sea was in their infancy to a remarkably accurate degree, which further supports the prevailing viewpoint. Their own stories have been the amusement of anthropologists since the 80s. If you dont want to listen to the western viewpoint, why not take the aboriginal's word for it?

Link-> Ancient Sea Rise Tale Told Accurately for 10,000 Years
I'm sensing something. O yes what's this, lacks of evidence. Yes you definitely lackin.

This argument relies on a number of assumptions/claims that are not supported by evidence. Firstly, it is not accurate to say that most of the continental shifting stopped prior to humans departing Africa. The movement of tectonic plates is a continuous process that has allegedly been ongoing for millions of years, and it is not clear when or if this process will ever stop.

Furthermore, the use of ice cores and other geological evidence to track changes in sea level is not as straightforward as the argument suggests. Ice cores can provide valuable information about past climate conditions, but they do not provide direct measurements of sea level. Instead, researchers use a variety of techniques to infer changes in sea level from the information contained in ice cores.

Oral history to track changes in sea level is not a reliable method, as oral traditions are subject to changes and variations over time. While the Aboriginal Australian stories may be interesting, they should not be used as to support the idea that sea level was lower during the last ice age.

Lastly, the claim that the origin stories of aboriginals accurately describe the sea level during their infancy are also not supported by evidence. Can you please get some evidence goddamnit?

Please get some evidence. It's evident your claims are anecdotal.
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World Class SuperVillain
Feb 22, 2014
Not that buddy is right but.....
I don't think you understand how DNA tests work. Indigenous Australians who you would assume had African DNA do not. Why would that be? Why do scientists have to assume that their ancestors migrated to that region 50,000 years ago instead of just being able to easily Trace their DNA to the source
You keep using them but they migrated the earliest out of everyone. An Asian would be a closer genetic match to an African than them


May 20, 2012
Nope. A DNA test involves you sending your blood to some lab and trusting their findings while murals give insight on how the people at the time actually viewed themselves. Especially those ones

And of course they’d argue that. Everyone all around the world wants to pretend as if black people were only found in Africa before the slave trade but it’s simply not true. Black people were in Asia Europe America etc… and NOT JUST Africa.


I don’t even know where to begin with this ignorance. First of all, What incentive does a lab have to falsify the DNA results of some random stranger to make them believe they are African instead of Cherokee.

Your ancestors survived against the worst odds in probably all of human history, but you’d throw away their heritage to claim the heritage of a people that were almost wiped out. Some of whom owned your ancestors. The level of self hate. :wow:


May 20, 2012
I'm sensing something. O yes what's this, lacks of evidence. Yes you definitely lackin.

This argument relies on a number of assumptions/claims that are not supported by evidence. Firstly, it is not accurate to say that most of the continental shifting stopped prior to humans departing Africa. The movement of tectonic plates is a continuous process that has allegedly been ongoing for millions of years, and it is not clear when or if this process will ever stop.

Furthermore, the use of ice cores and other geological evidence to track changes in sea level is not as straightforward as the argument suggests. Ice cores can provide valuable information about past climate conditions, but they do not provide direct measurements of sea level. Instead, researchers use a variety of techniques to infer changes in sea level from the information contained in ice cores.

Oral history to track changes in sea level is not a reliable method, as oral traditions are subject to changes and variations over time. While the Aboriginal Australian stories may be interesting, they should not be used as to support the idea that sea level was lower during the last ice age.

Lastly, the claim that the origin stories of aboriginals accurately describe the sea level during their infancy are also not supported by evidence. Can you please get some evidence goddamnit?

Please get some evidence. It's evident your claims are anecdotal.

:gucci: Fail 5th grade grade science brehs.

The continents have had the same configuration for millions of years. Continental drift that broke up Pangea took place over the course of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of years. Homo Sapiens just left Africa 6O THOUSAND years ago.

I refuse to believe y’all are this badly educated about basic science and anthropology.

This is literally 5th grade education.


Nov 21, 2013

I don’t even know where to begin with this ignorance. First of all, What incentive does a lab have to falsify the DNA results of some random stranger to make them believe they are African instead of Cherokee.

Your ancestors survived against the worst odds in probably all of human history, but you’d throw away their heritage to claim the heritage of a people that were almost wiped out. Some of whom owned your ancestors. The level of self hate. :wow:
They falsify results because this society likes to hide black history. Put all black people in Africa and pretend the achievements that happened outside of Africa weren’t also done by black people?

I never claimed to be Cherokee or Native American but there were black people here before cacs. And it’s the same with Asia and Europe. They should be referenced as where they were found so achievements can be given to the people who actually did them and not given to people who came in later and pushed out the original inhabitants.

You think you’re pro black stressing the importance of Africa when black people have a stake in every continent in the world,NOT JUST AFRICA..


May 1, 2012
:gucci: Fail 5th grade grade science brehs.

The continents have had the same configuration for millions of years. Continental drift that broke up Pangea took place over the course of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of years. Homo Sapiens just left Africa 6O THOUSAND years ago.

I refuse to believe y’all are this badly educated about basic science and anthropology.

This is literally 5th grade education.
There's no way for you to know that. Cataclysms on earth could have forced large shifts in land configuration earlier then that.

To correct you, people began to migrate out of Africa around 100,000 years ago. Maybe you need to repeat 5th grade brother.

The point was to correct the guy who said that DNA can be used to trace the origins of ancient people to a specific location and that's not always true. We don't need to debate random factoids.

You can't trace native American DNA to Asia or Africa. They are unique to their region because DNA testing can only go so far back.

So in theory testing this guy's DNA should show that he does not have Africa or Asian DNA markers like the Australia Aboriginals.

It matters because people don't believe there were black people in the Americas prior to Columbus.


May 1, 2012
There’s nothing anecdotal about it, the human genome has been mapped to a T. Ignore modern day science brehs
You have no idea what the hell you're saying. What does fully mapped mean. They don't understand shyt!

Things the white man still doesn't understand.

The functions of all genes in the human genome...

How genetic variations affect expression of genes and contribute to differences between morons like you....

How genetic variations contribute to the development of diseases and other health conditions like your stupidity....

How genetic variations interact with environment to influence health and disease....

Mapped. You're just using slogans. Catch phrase clown


World Class SuperVillain
Feb 22, 2014
You have no idea what the hell you're saying. What does fully mapped mean. They don't understand shyt!

Things the white man still doesn't understand.

The functions of all genes in the human genome...

How genetic variations affect expression of genes and contribute to differences between morons like you....

How genetic variations contribute to the development of diseases and other health conditions like your stupidity....

How genetic variations interact with environment to influence health and disease....

Mapped. You're just using slogans. Catch phrase clown
