Not that buddy is right but.....
I don't think you understand how DNA tests work. Indigenous Australians who you would assume had African DNA do not. Why would that be? Why do scientists have to assume that their ancestors migrated to that region 50,000 years ago instead of just being able to easily Trace their DNA to the source
I dont think you understand how dna works. We can trace the age of a particular trait and its relation to other traits in unrelated groups in order to trace the two populations' relatedness. We can say that polynesians are unrelated to black africans because they lack the series of alleles that we developed in the 50,000 years since their departure from africa. We are honestly more related to Habibi in Saudi Arabia than we are to an aboriginal.
If they suddenly stopped sharing alleles with us 50000 years ago, then that hints at a departure. If they have genes that we do not, that also hints at departure. If We can find corpses spread across the indian ocean's and pacific ocean's islands that are more related to aboriginals than to Africans, this hints at their departure also. And all of the above is true
Additionally, genes can also form independently; meaning a trait such as black skin and wooly hair can form in an environment thats unrelated to black people. For example, look at the aboriginals of solomon island who have literally no relation whstsoever to white people, but have independently formed and naturally occuring blonde hair and blue eyes. Same could be said for the natives of japan (Ainu minzoku) who have no relation to Africa but display independently formed black skin and thick hair.
Finally, maternal haplogroups in DNA testing further trace lineages and disprove or prove relatededness between those aboriginals.
All these factors can establish whether dna from well preserved native americans prior to and after columbus is truly of African origin. And once again, all of this can be sequenced in less than an hour for $100.00 using modern tech. And the analysis of relatedness could be completed using AI in 24hours afterwards. We dont need to be using circumstantial evidence and hotep babble to like its 1982 to debate something that can be solved in a lab.