Them Aliens are probably the ones that came up with this them aliens aint gonna let that happen
Them Aliens are probably the ones that came up with this them aliens aint gonna let that happen
The amount of energy it would take to move a planet or moon of that size out of alignment could not be generated from conventional man made explosions. Not even Castle Bravo size nuke if detonated on the moon would make much of a difference on the planetary scale. Look at all the craters the moon has. Impacts of that magnitude did not "take it out of alignment". Long story short, to move an object of that size you are talking about energies that all the nukes ever produced by man and all conventional explosives couldnt budge it significantly. Seriously. Just google moving a planet (moon is big enough to be considered a small planet.)............................................................................... yeah yall do know that the Moon controls alot of features/phenomena on earth like tides and shiit.................................. so what's going happen if/when they start doing this to the Moon
...............obviously scar the landscape, but those booms might take some things out of alignment??? maybe??
What's so bad about the word "cac" ?You gonna cry a little about racism while you call people cac? The irony is too funny.
What's so bad about the word "cac" ?
And that is?The meaning and insinuations behind it
And that is?
Really? Pretty sure you're trolling but it means cracka ass cracka and its used in the same fashion as white slave owners that called blacks the n-word. Most people that use cac are inferior little bytches that turn around and cry about white devils or some other bullshyt completely disregarding their own blatant racism.
it's a fukking rock.
History has shown people of all color can't be trusted. Quit playing the victim.
Shut up fool.