...wow, this is "the message" i've been preaching for some time. IT'S OUR FUKIN NATURE and we've been through the same cycle time and time again.
I'm actually kinda stoked...not for the coming doom but because I now have "scientific proof and modeling" to back up my theory. I think a lot of people are not focusing on the masses getting fed up either. IMHO that's the key to when and where this shyt pops off and if anything further highlights just how got damn ridiculous the idea of "trickle down" economics and quite frankly large parts of capitalism truly are.
And before we start on this "what's better than capitalism" road any further let's settle down and realize capitalism isn't a form of government, it's a form of commerce. The irony is if we look at ancient civilizations that lasted much much longer than ours has what shocks me most is that the ones that lasted the longest seam to have either had a king or emperor
The world is a place of equilibrium, something capitalism does not foster.
Technology has only hasted the unbalancing of things.
All that being said I still think it's not to late to learn from past mistakes and i believe humans are more than capable of overcoming our nature...hell it's why we're not in the jungle hurling shyt at eachother.