Don’t Be Like He-Man
I like around 10-12 songs. That's about the average good to bad ratio for post Stillmatic Nas.
Eh. Only 5 or so are legit bangers. Just because 10 songs are "good" doesn't mean they're up to the artists potential.
He was far and away my favorite rapper at the time so I would listen to whatever he dropped, but looking back, it was shaky. This was where he started to lose the momentum he had with the public that he had built up with Stillmatic.
I can see your point because the hype of that did have the public paying attention just off that title and it didn't go over as well as he would have liked. But that's what I mean. I used to try to put people onto Nas playing that album (SD) my freshman year of high school and they fell asleep....literally. I actually liked HHID more than DR and LIG which people on here seem to like. I feel like it has more replay value.I think Hip Hop is Dead's uneveness was the final straw for some but the shame in that is that his last 2 albums have been much better and have him back on track. As much as I like SD them soul/NO ID beats would have been great on his previous 3 LP's just to satisfy the masses