honestly it became nearly impossible for me to rank nas dicography past god's son, just for the simple fact that I can't detached the albums from the era and the context they where released.
for example, most of nas' earlier records where released at a time where big singles were important, the competition was not the same and long albums were the norm.
nowadays it's the streaming era, the albums are shorts, the songs are shorters, having single is not as important, and you don't have to make a checklist album (big single, club joint, street joint, filler joint).
thats why I have trouble ranking a album like i am, and the kd's series + magic are impressive for the simple fact that they were released deep into nas carreer, they may have better replay value than i am or god'son , but they don't have career defining songs. I can only say that illmatic, iww and stilllmatic are probably 1, 2 and 3 nas best albums and nastradamus, nasir and street's disciple at the bottom (and I like those three albums) but all the rest it became too difficult
either way it's really impressive because the hit boy's produced albums are all fire and I still ranked them in the middle pack
life is good
god's son
i am
king's disease 2
king's disease
street's disciple