Went back to Life Is Good today, hasn't changed my opinion. It's like a 9 to me. Summer On Smash is truly a wack ass song.
Spicy and YKTV aren't anything special but they're fine and don't detract from the listening experience.
SOS is dogshyt and one of the few Nas songs that I just can't stand.
The only other knock is sequencing for SOS (shoulda been sequenced to the trash bin) and I still cannot believe they chose to follow up Queens Story and Accident Murdered with...Daughters
I love those songs but going from Nas rapping about Wayne Perry to his daughter in like a minute is just so bizarre.
Other than those LIG is truly perfect. I would rank KD1+2 higher because they flow better as albums and don't have any songs that I skip.
Replace SOS with Roses, Trust, Adult Film or Beautiful Life and then put Daughters somewhere near the start or end tho and I would prefer LIG.