Illmatic - Stillmatic
The unofficial sequel
ILLmatic ---- STILLmatic (Well if you flip the "S" backwards, it's a 2) (7 Years apart)
The Lost Tapes ------ The Lost Tapes II (17 Years apart)
King's Disease ------ King's Disease II (1 Year apart)
So I guess you would call this his 3rd Sequel but very first Direct Sequel. Also this the most Back to Back NaS projects since 99-02 when he dropped 7 straight projects (I am, Nastradamus, QB's Finest, STILLmatic, ILLmatic to STILLmatic: The Remixes, God's Son and The Lost Tapes) It's clear he enjoyed his time working with Hit-Boy on the album and they kept working. Both "EPMD" and "Life is like a Dice Game" came after. Now the DMX records and the DJ Khalid record with Jay....he did work with different producers (Though "Bath Salts" was old). Again I understand NaS always evolves so I don't expect the same type album even though it's a sequel. Just like "STILLmatic" and "Lost Tapes II" were much different than their predecessors though they had similarities (NaS bringing back some ILLmatic Producers and AZ and having no Rap Features on The Lost Tapes sequel). But a Sequel is always suppose to up the ante. Also for the record NaS used the roman numerals "II" for The Lost Tapes sequel on the cover. Anyways, I actually Hope NaS goes in subject matter wise this time even more about the craziness going on in the world.