@Napoleon throughout history

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Napoleon in A.D. 30: How much responsibility does the REVOLUTIONARY cult leader Jesus Christ have for getting hung from a cross by the Romans? He has a lot of nerve posing as an innocent victim when he basically got what was coming to him. If you don’t want to spend Friday hanging by nails, you should follow the regulations of the Roman Empire and contribute something to society. No government is going to be stable in these times without being a government of law and order. They’re not going leave you dangling on a hill just for giggles.

I question whether he got off easy. How was he and all his seditious followers making a living anyway? Do you ever hear any stories of any of them working? No, he’s just shuttling back and forth between the city and the hills, city and the hills, going to the rich and then going to the poor…sounds to me like they dealing at least and probably trafficking. All that talk of, “The Jews are our territory, stay out of the Gentile lands” and then that whole deal where he tries to move on the Samaritans even after The Disciples warned him that he was out of his zone…that ain’t no roving preacher language. Hell, he was even talking to their women. And who calls themselves “The Disciples” anyway? You're a sheep if you're telling yourself that ain’t no gang name. You read those stories of folks falling down convulsing and foaming at the mouth and all whenever “The Disciples” are around, ranting crazy talk, and you don’t think they were on some gooood shiit? Hell, Peter’s violent ass chopped a narc’s ear off when he stepped on Jesus, and Jesus went ahead and made him the shot-caller! No wonder Judas snitched…and if you really think that was a “suicide” that hit him when he got exposed as a rat, then drop me a line the next time someone hangs themselves in the same pot field of the crew he just snitched on. Oh, I’m sorry, the Bible calls it the “potter’s field”. Like you don’t know what was really growing there.

Yes, I admit, all the “torture” stuff and nearly beating a guy to death when you’re going to kill him anyway is probably the Romans taking things a little too far. But Jesus’s crew needs to take personal responsibility for their part in instigating the whole mess.
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Aug 31, 2013
Why do you never hear about these black voices?

Person who made the video......


Other videos from user include-

Hillary Clinton Seizures @ DNC?

Hillary Clinton's Rally Pics Photoshopped to Show Bigger Crowd?

Disturbing Videos Might Have Connections to Pizzagate

"I can walk, chew gum, and fukk kellyann conway at the same time":troll:


the next guy

May 2, 2012
:patrice:Still curious why the "dead7 throughout history" thread was immediately erased but this classic remains untouched
we really need to know about our resident pseudo right wing nazi sympathizer
Dead7 has had the same libertarian views for years. Nap has changed his opinion on everything at least twice to be in the center. Plus a lot of people don't like how pro america he is.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Napoleon in A.D. 30: How much responsibility does the IMPLICITLY REVOLUTIONARY cult leader Jesus Christ have for getting hung from a cross by the Romans? He has a lot of nerve posing as an innocent victim when he basically got what was coming to him. If you don’t want to spend your Friday evening hanging by nails, you should probably agree to follow the rules and regulations of the Roman Empire and actually contribute something to the greater society. No government is going to be stable in these times without being a government of law and order. They’re not going leave you dangling on a hill just for shyts and giggles.

I question whether he got off easy. How was he and all his seditious followers making a living anyway? Do you ever hear any stories of any of them working? No, he’s just constantly shuttling back and forth between the city and the hills, city and the hills, going to the rich and then going to the poor…sounds to me like they dealing at least and probably trafficking. All that talk of, “The Jews are our territory, stay out of the Gentile lands” and then that whole deal where he tries to move on the Samaritans even after The Disciples warned him that he was out of his zone…that ain’t no roving preacher language. Hell, he was even talking to their women. And who calls themselves “The Disciples” anyway? You're a sheep if you're telling yourself that ain’t no gang name. You read those stories of folks falling down convulsing and foaming at the mouth and all whenever “The Disciples” are around, ranting crazy talk, and you don’t think they were on some gooood shiit? Hell, Peter’s violent ass chopped a narc’s ear off when he stepped on Jesus, and Jesus went ahead and made him the shot-caller! No wonder Judas snitched…and if you really think that was a “suicide” that hit him when he got exposed as a rat, then drop me a line the next time someone hangs themselves in the same pot field of the crew he just snitched on. Oh, I’m sorry, the Bible calls it the “potter’s field”. Like you don’t know what was really growing there.

Yes, I admit, all the “torture” stuff and nearly beating a guy to death when you’re going to kill him anyway is probably the Romans taking things a little too far. But Jesus’s crew needs to take personal responsibility for their part in instigating the whole mess.

Had to revisit this classic thread:dead:

The Jesus dapped my post about Jesus. :blessed: