Both your statements are wrong to some degreethe bytches there are easy....but yeah its a melting pot shythole filled with Hispanics and rednecks
- Ive always found NY women to the easiest chicks of all. And i mean that in a good way because i like that. I love NY women because they hand out the p*ssy quicker than the brawds in FL. Until i moved out of FL my "body count" was still under 10. I left South FL and within 5 years i was well over 30 and its mostly NY chicks that moved here i fukk with because they don't waste a breed's time when it comes to handing out the p*ssy. Yeah i'm lazy like that
. I still got two chicks in NY i fukk with whenever I'm up there.
- As far as South FL goes: Sure there are a few rednecks down there but lets not act like latinos and black caribbean haven't taken the sh!t over damn near completely. Thus why those angry white mofos always say the phrase "Will the last American to leave South Florida please take the flag with you.". They say that sh!t because they are angry that hey have been pushed out. Starting at West Palm Beach on down you will have a hard time finding a city Mayor that is not of Latino or Caribbean descent. Most are either Cuban, Haitian, Jamaican or from other parts of the Caribbean .Yeah we've taken the sh! and aint giving it back while some you guys from other cities complain about gentrification.
So go ahead and talk sh!t about caribbean blacks making progress to run sh!t down there while you bums are still paying high rent to the Anglo-Saxons, Italians and all the other races up north. Talk sh!t about Atlanta while Atlanta is overwhelmingly run by black-americans doing big things. We're watching you up-north East coast bums and cheering for you as you get gentrified

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