1- Well there you go also, who really cares what these “critics” say. Let’s be real, we overate their popularity too much like they Drake or Kardashians level.
This I agree with but the brand has been created leaving the masses to view their opinion over their own as valid.
Hell I bet if they walked into an average coffee shop then SASmith walked in with them. Everyone would know him and no one would know them and he’s not even half as popular as celebs on the prior level. So I don’t know who criticiqued GB 3 or O8 nor do I follow them
RT did
2 - The world has become cynical toward the media, everyday everything is fake news, lies, conspiracies, at some point it all becomes a wash
The world still believes in the media but the masses are growing tired of them, that is why they have been creating a stronghold of their influence throughout. Youtube algorithm to stop conspiracy theory videos because it hurts their bottle line of news that isn't accurate. Same goes with the same companies that run the media for movies, music, etc. They control the narrative and the viewpoint of what should be and shouldn't be.
3 - Well then that’s the point, don’t call out one and pretend the others don’t. And that’s what so many love to do “Bu Bu Bu bu only Disney does...”
Who said I'm not calling the others out? Im addressing Disney because they have one of the biggest Titans out there and have huge investments in creating the biggest and only brand to go to for Comic Book films.
Also word of mouth still is key, yes everything is branded but word of mouth can still make or break anything. Hence Solo, John Carter, and again over to other things like music and games. Fortnite is a key benefactor of WOM, so it’s still good
4 - Stop it, HG was about JLaw. Nothing else.
Gal wasn’t all that popular before WW, granted those movies were about the cars, fukkery, Vin, Paul, and most recently the Rock. She was a minor character in the grande scheme of things if anything Michelle was more of the standout female character. WW pushed the fukk out of her to the moon and naturully so. She went from “not mentioned at all” to some would argue she’s “top 10” and that’s based off he becoming WW. Nothing was wrong with that and it worked but come on.
Hunger Games wasn't just about JLaw. Gal stake in the minor character gave her the WW role....why would they choose her out of the rest of the girls who could have done better? Michelle was a overused character who became comical. She was indestructible like a robot. I agree with the push for WW.
Also, yes CM is helping A4, just like A4 gonna help Spidey 2, all their movies are lead ins to the next, not sure the big deal. In the credits of Guadians 2, they literally had Jeff Goldblum in full costume in the credits.... and he ain’t shoot one scene for that movie or was even supposed to be in it.
Jeff Goldbum is a minor character and doesn't hold weight.
5 - Na....
Na What?
And it again it has breathing room in the 3 weeks. Say CM wasn’t gonna drop then.... how many big movie goers do you know that’s normally gonna wait 2-4 weeks on purpose to decide whether they want to see a movie or not? If you can’t make it within that timeframe it’s typically “circumstances.” Not trynna discredit dates but most folks make their decision well before hand.
People do that alot. Hell alot of people wait til the film comes on netflix or streaming site before they watch it.
It didn’t take me weeks after Creed 2 dropped to decide if I wanted to see it or not no different from when the Rebel Wilson movie dropped it was already made up in my mind “I don’t wanna see that”. And I don’t know if that movie is good or bad, I’m not gonna take the energy to shyt on it, I just feel it’s not for me and I keep it moving. Same thing I’ve done with every Amy Shumer movie, every Tyler Perry movie, I still to this day have never watched one minute of a Harry Potter movie or none of the Hobbits.
You just like me feel the same but it's not like that for everyone.
That’s why emphasis is always on the opening weekend and first week