My NYC Black Folk......Gentrification


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Realistically do you think many of us are in any position to completely OWN our communities in NYC? Be realistic, I am actually in the mood to debate and talk in the next coming days with the usual suspects in this thread such as @NYC Rebel @She Agree That I'm Looney @88m3 @Wild self and others.

I've told @She Agree That I'm Lonney ad nauseam the amount of black excellence that exists in crown heights and prospect heights but he doesn't hear me though. it's really all around the city. I think the lack of black ownership is being blown out of proportion.

@She Agree That I'm Looney is a character straight out of a Whit Stillman film anywho.
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NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
I've told @She Agree That I'm Lonney ad nauseam the amount of black excellence that exists in crown heights and prospect heights but he doesn't hear me though. it's really all around the city. I think the lack of black ownership is being blown out of proportion.

@She Agree That I'm Looney is a character straight out of a Whit Stillman film anywho.

Listening go CTk you'd think the beauty of Crown Heights started when people like.him.moved I.. Other than that, there was just crime. :hehe:
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Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Listening go CTk you'd think the beauty of Crown Heights started when people like.him.moved I.. Other than that, there was just crime. :hehe:

The thing with she agrees is he's lived there and even said himself he had a black landlord at one point and would live there if his wife wasn't afraid.

I think he just enjoys being contrarian. Which is fine because I enjoy the conversation.

Who is ctk? I must have missed his rants.


Apr 30, 2012
I've told @She Agree That I'm Lonney ad nauseam the amount of black excellence that exists in crown heights and prospect heights but he doesn't hear me though. it's really all around the city. I think the lack of black ownership is being blown out of proportion.

@She Agree That I'm Looney is a character straight out of a Whit Stillman film anywho.
There are definitely some pockets in the city that have a high number of minorities owning properties. Merrick and pretty much a straight line past the Jamaica Avenue bus stop down the Q5 line is what you guys would consider black excellence.

I guess I am not sure what the current argument is in this thread anymore. I think what bothers me is the perception that minorities don't have the same ambitions as everyone else in this country when everything points in the other direction. The strong presence of us owning property in the deep south is no coincidence. Its people finding an opportunity to own property, build wealth, and pass it on to their offspring and later generations. It's simply a matter of economics and relative wealth compared to your local peers. We must have a larger percentage of it in the south, this is not a simple case of us just preferring the warmer weather.


Many neighborhoods in NYC were really not within reach for the majority of us so the argument that the people who rented in these areas were in a position to possibly invest in our community is a bit out of touch with the situation at hand. We HAVE "invested" in our communities as much as we can for the most part. We open up stores, we set up small businesses, and for the few who have had the opportunity to build wealth quickly even end up owning a slice of the community housing. To somehow suggest that we could have cut through all the loops to get in a position to really "own" these communities is something I am not going to listen to because I will take that argument and dismiss it as someone not in touch with the way things work in this country (especially NYC).

We can own our own houses in the city individually, but that does not give us the power needed to possibly prevent or somewhat control gentrification. We SHOULD have greater control of it in the south because we have a stronger foothold down there. Until we get enough rental buildings in our control the whole issue is pointless to argue about. I am not saying that we should accept the fact lightly, but its a simple fact that we are in no position to change. I would have loved if the Dominicans in Washington Heights ever found themselves in a position to own blocks of the buildings in the city, but as I asked before. Were we really ever in a position to do so? Nope

@NYC Rebel I agree with your comment at Bloomberg and shows the dangers of having someone at power for such a long time. The guy is all business so of course he would support gentrification as moving the "poor" out of newly desired areas. It is an extra pocket of a new population who not only bring in extra money due to their often increased earnings (taxes), but the possibility of other wealthy outsiders now looking in to populate the area as well.
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69 others

May 2, 2012
I've told @She Agree That I'm Lonney ad nauseam the amount of black excellence that exists in crown heights and prospect heights but he doesn't hear me though. it's really all around the city. I think the lack of black ownership is being blown out of proportion.

@She Agree That I'm Looney is a character straight out of a Whit Stillman film anywho.

Listening go CTk you'd think the beauty of Crown Heights started when people like.him.moved I.. Other than that, there was just crime. :hehe:

yea i think a lot of people are blowing the gentrification thing here out of proportion and the bytch fess about how nyc sucks is just tired. if this isn't the place for you at this point in your life say your piece and KIM, no need to bytch about it or act like those who chose to stay are stupid for doing so or don't know what they're doing.

Plus dudes acting like all blacks are helpless and should or would have to run from the nyc. there are still tons of black home owners in the neighborhoods @88m3 mentioned and throughout the city who are :eat: well from this and are not going anywhere. plus there are lots of career people, young professionals, entrepreneurs, and skilled labor folks who can actually afford to rent or buy in this city gentrification or not. there are over 3 million black people in nyc, :laugh: @ dudes going on about like we all struggling or starving.

Plus nyc have more opportunities (if you're skilled and educated) than most places in this country no matter your race. even in certain fields it's almost a must you that you at least start out here so for a lot of us leaving the city is equal to closing the door on a lot of opportunities.

As far as the whole thing about space and small apartments a lot you got to realize is that some people are just fine with that and care less about lawns, backyards, etc. Yes i'll admit the quietness, having outdoor space near by (ironically though suburbanites and country people barely utilize it, they're the fattest unfit fukkers in the nation), etc is nice but at this point in my life (and other people) it doesn't weigh as much cause i can get that on some weekends by leaving the city and on vacations which is the right dosage for me.
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T'Kuvma Da Unforgettable

My Wallabies attract bowlegged b1tches
Jun 23, 2012
The thing with she agrees is he's lived there and even said himself he had a black landlord at one point and would live there if his wife wasn't afraid.

I think he just enjoys being contrarian. Which is fine because I enjoy the conversation.

Who is ctk? I must have missed his rants.

she agrees

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
I don't have stats on hand, but I am sure we had a lower percentage of wealth in this country 30 years ago.
Yah but they were giving buildings away pretty much in the 70s/80s

And @NYCRebel :rudy: I never said that, but any time anyone says crime has dropped significantly since what you feel is BK's "heyday" you get emotional + throw out allegations of racism and c00nery

All I have been saying to you is all the change in these neighborhoods hasn't been bad, and its stupid as hell for people who 1 don't own any property there and 2 don't even live there anymore to anoint themselves the angry gatekeepers of everything BK

The people being displaced have to have a place in the discussion but at the end of the day money talks, unfortunately. I think its a good thing that black people are moving down south to places where they can build their wealth more easily.... the NE is a dead mission for any household making less than $200K in the long run

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
@88m3 if black ownership is so prevalent in these neighborhoods how did gentrification even happen there? And what about the black owners, like my last landlord, who are aiding in speeding up the transition?

You guys like to paint me as something but I am just telling you the truth about the situation and you are getting emotional. I asked before and got no answer. You feel gentrification is a problem + is killing BK... what is your solution????
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69 others

May 2, 2012
Yah but they were giving buildings away pretty much in the 70s/80s

And @NYCRebel :rudy: I never said that, but any time anyone says crime has dropped significantly since what you feel is BK's "heyday" you get emotional + throw out allegations of racism and c00nery

All I have been saying to you is all the change in these neighborhoods hasn't been bad, and its stupid as hell for people who 1 don't own any property there and 2 don't even live there anymore to anoint themselves the angry gatekeepers of everything BK

The people being displaced have to have a place in the discussion but at the end of the day money talks, unfortunately. I think its a good thing that black people are moving down south to places where they can build their wealth more easily.... the NE is a dead mission for any household making less than $200K in the long run

:what: so we pulling numbers out our culo now or is this based on some actual intelligent thought process.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
:what: so we pulling numbers out our culo now or is this based on some actual intelligent thought process.
You could have just asked me how I got that number instead of jumping to convenient conclusions

If you want to raise a family + own property + save to retire in NYC, and you work on the island (which is the case for most people here), $200K/yr in today's dollars is the ground floor IMO

You can just live here for much less, but you need a lot of money to do NYC long term. A house in a decent school district is gonna be like 350K to start. Commuting into the city is 200-400/mo/worker. Car insurance + gas are expensive (you have to drive to the train). Property tax is :mindblown:. Thats just the ground level. Median household income for blacks + Latinos in NYC is just under $40K.... tell me where a family of 4 making 40K can own property, send their kids to a good school, and commute into the city affordably in NYC... just based on RE rules their rent is capped at $1000/mo... no way they are getting a mortgage + paying property tax on anything in city limits with that.....

We have a lot of history and roots here, but staying is not in the long term interests of 99% of us... shyt even our resident BK loudmouth gatekeeper doesn't even live there anymore and he could easily afford to :heh:


Sep 10, 2012


..wait what? Is this official? This is hilarious.

im surprised they didnt do that to Chelseas projects. Also, the ones in the LES and DUMBO are prime real estate.

They would if they could. You know they want to. :usure:


Sep 10, 2012
You could have just asked me how I got that number instead of jumping to convenient conclusions

If you want to raise a family + own property + save to retire in NYC, and you work on the island (which is the case for most people here), $200K/yr in today's dollars is the ground floor IMO

You can just live here for much less, but you need a lot of money to do NYC long term. A house in a decent school district is gonna be like 350K to start. Commuting into the city is 200-400/mo/worker. Car insurance + gas are expensive (you have to drive to the train). Property tax is :mindblown:. Thats just the ground level. Median household income for blacks + Latinos in NYC is just under $40K.... tell me where a family of 4 making 40K can own property, send their kids to a good school, and commute into the city affordably in NYC... just based on RE rules their rent is capped at $1000/mo... no way they are getting a mortgage + paying property tax on anything in city limits with that.....

We have a lot of history and roots here, but staying is not in the long term interests of 99% of us... shyt even our resident BK loudmouth gatekeeper doesn't even live there anymore and he could easily afford to

99%? For all this talk of going down south there's just not as many opportunities down there than there is up here. Let me find out BK getting paid like that?

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
99%? For all this talk of going down south there's just not as many opportunities down there than there is up here. Let me find out BK getting paid like that?
What good is an opportunity if it puts you on a path where you can't

- buy property
- send your kids to a good school
- save for retirement

The average family in NYC is pretty much guaranteed to rent + work all their life, and then live off of Social Security and maybe a small pension if they are lucky

Meanwhile you can go down South, get a 30-40K job, buy a house, send your kids to a good school and save for retirement. It won't be glamorous, you won't drive a Lexus or have a $100/mo Iphone, but guess what... making 40K up here, you won't have any of that shyt anyway, AND you will have a shyttier quality of life AND be living in poverty in your old age.

And yea NYCRebel's wife makes good money as an engineer and he works in finance. They could have easily bought a brownstone and made good on dude's proclamations of BK loyalty/solidarity, from what he says, and yet he left :dwillhuh: This dude is telling people who can/can't come to BK via sattelite :why:

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Yah but they were giving buildings away pretty much in the 70s/80s

And @NYCRebel :rudy: I never said that, but any time anyone says crime has dropped significantly since what you feel is BK's "heyday" you get emotional + throw out allegations of racism and c00nery

All I have been saying to you is all the change in these neighborhoods hasn't been bad, and its stupid as hell for people who 1 don't own any property there and 2 don't even live there anymore to anoint themselves the angry gatekeepers of everything BK

The people being displaced have to have a place in the discussion but at the end of the day money talks, unfortunately. I think its a good thing that black people are moving down south to places where they can build their wealth more easily.... the NE is a dead mission for any household making less than $200K in the long run

You didn't have say it verbatim. When I brought up the behavior of the newbies, you brought up "crime" and hanging " on the corner" like a garden variety cracker justifying why they don't intermingle with folks.

Like I said, the beauty of my neighborhood didnt start with you newbies arrival.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
What good is an opportunity if it puts you on a path where you can't

- buy property
- send your kids to a good school
- save for retirement

The average family in NYC is pretty much guaranteed to rent + work all their life, and then live off of Social Security and maybe a small pension if they are lucky

Meanwhile you can go down South, get a 30-40K job, buy a house, send your kids to a good school and save for retirement. It won't be glamorous, you won't drive a Lexus or have a $100/mo Iphone, but guess what... making 40K up here, you won't have any of that shyt anyway, AND you will have a shyttier quality of life AND be living in poverty in your old age.

And yea NYCRebel's wife makes good money as an engineer and he works in finance. They could have easily bought a brownstone and made good on dude's proclamations of BK loyalty/solidarity, from what he says, and yet he left :dwillhuh: This dude is telling people who can/can't come to BK via sattelite :why:
Our SECOND HOME we're in the midst of purchasing is in BK clown. :heh:

I wasn't going to tell my wife to move out her NJ condo to move into my East Flatbush rental.

Why don't you shut the fukk up about my wife and I history and worry about your timid ass wife making you move out my old hood.