Good topic OP..........I do notice that nowadays, interracial relationships are starting earlier in middle and high school too.

.... I think you doing the right thing though, being an advocate and advisor. Just got to make sure she stays busy.....instruments, sports/martial arts, girl scouts, SGA, tell her to write a book/ebook and market it on the internet before she's 18 (or any kind of entrepreneurial activity while she is young and few responsibilities). By the time she hits her senior year she willl be a Renaissance young woman.
I get it. She's female, hormones are making their debut, and she is going to want to "have fun" as most kids would, and she's going to feel like she's missing out. So all I can say is that you should guide her and say your priorities should be thinking about careers and to graduate from high school with a 4 year college scholarship, that should be her goal for the next 5 years. Hence, she can spend time looking at careers and what programs/scholarships they offer NOW...not later, making the process easier by the time her Senior year comes around. Thus, getting in trouble, having baby early, all the other ramifications of "wildin out" will prevent that.....and that she must be see that life is even better when you are an independent adult. HELLA EASIER SAID THAN DONE, BUT NOT REALLY....
You might can't stop her, but at least she'll have a target/ultimate goal, and think about her actions/moderate them, cause it will affect her hitting that target.