The human being is a complex medium able to enjoy the physical side of creation and also connect itself to the higher “spiritual” source, the power of everything.
This is what is meant by God blew his breath into man and he became a living soul. How can you exist unless you are part of the everything?
But the light (physical) out of darkness (spiritual) is created for a divine purpose we don’t know about but only theorize
Maybe your time on this physical realm is to cleanse your soul for something it did elsewhere for it to then be able to return. Your memory of before is gone so that what you face here is a fair test with free will.Your unique set of tests are engineered for your ultimate cleansing. Some born billionaires, that is the specific test ordained as their punishment/rehabilitation. If you fail you will reincarnate until clean enough to go back or you even slip further away from purity.
Please brother try to re-build your real self beyond the physical body and refrain from spending your days eating ass