My ex dmed me on insta, I think she wants to get back together

Goon for hire

All Star
Dec 5, 2016
so last night I was playing battlefield, died looked at my phone, checked insta and saw I had a dm from my ex. The same one from these posts:

Any of y’all had a chick tell you they want to take a “break”

Basically, my girl texted me at like 11:30 last night telling me we need to take a break, she needs some time to herself, think about what she wants, y’all know the drill. I made the mistake of texting back quick as hell and texting her again this morning, which she hasn’t replied to. How y’all think i should play this? Ignore her from now on and end the relationship or wait for her to come back? Intuition is telling me I share that girl

Nah now that I’m thinking about it she been acting funny for a while now. She went out to parties with her friends dressed like a thot, went on spring break with two of her thot friends, throw random insults and start arguments.

I was giving the benefit of the doubt, and was overlooking a lot of things now that I think about it. I definitely share that girl.
I’m just gonna charge it to the game and move on.

Talking about some “oh I heard about your tooth I hope you’re okay. Been thinking about you saw you deleted all your posts” whatever. Talked to her for a while and we made plans to meet up tonight. Y’all think I should go? 99% chance it ends in me smashing but I think this chick is bipolar just because of the mood swings and shyt, don’t need any unnecessary drama and she knows how to bring it, but she do got some good p*ssy. What would y’all do? Oh and btw I don’t want to take her back, this single life is treating a young nikka good :blessed: just wondering if I should smash one more time and then ghost
Or be a mature dude on my grown man shyt and politely call it off and keep it pushing

Some of dm conversation

Regular photo of her:
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Jun 13, 2019
She was fooling around with someone else and/or making plans to fool around with someone else when she wanted to take a break from you.

I'd probably ignore her azz and stop even responding to DMs, nothing drives most women more than completely being ignored.

Silence speaks louder than pretty much any action when dealing with a woman.

Her azz left you high and dry and now that things probably didn't pan out with her other little prospect or it wasn't what she thought it would be she's trying to weasel her way back into your life.

You let her back in she isn't going to be anything but a headache, cut your losses and keep moving forward.

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
She said she needed a break or in other words to get some side dikk. And with y'all breaking up it's not gone be on her guilty conscious. She has her cake and wants to eat it, and you're going to let her.

The fact that you made this thread shows you don't have any respect for yourself as a man.

Edit: If you're talking about just smashin, have at it. But be careful, could be grounds to trap you.


Dec 2, 2015

First off, know your audience!!!

I am going to guess that you are fishing for a plat thread based on the topic as well as your ex girl’s background??

You already know how people feel about swirling on this site. Me personally, I ain’t no dikk cop! Never have and never will be, but some people here really bang hard on those who are open minded when it comes to dating..

Next, do what you want to do! Me, I don’t allow women to be choosy Susies nor do I allow them to Forrest Gump me! Either they in or they out! If they want a break, then to me that is a break up and I usually don’t take people back nor go do I go backwards.


Everyone isn’t me! A lot of people to probably most people believe in taking exes back, breaking up to make up and shyt like that..

To each one’s own..

I say, if you want to smash the ex, the handle yo candle!

If you love the single life, then live that life until you are ready to settle down. If the ex really care for you, then she will wait for you...

Goon for hire

All Star
Dec 5, 2016

First off, know your audience!!!

I am going to guess that you are fishing for a plat thread based on the topic as well as your ex girl’s background??

You already know how people feel about swirling on this site. Me personally, I ain’t no dikk cop! Never have and never will be, but some people here really bang hard on those who are open minded when it comes to dating..

Next, do what you want to do! Me, I don’t allow women to be choosy Susies nor do I allow them to Forrest Gump me! Either they in or they out! If they want a break, then to me that is a break up and I usually don’t take people back nor go do I go backwards.


Everyone isn’t me! A lot of people to probably most people believe in taking exes back, breaking up to make up and shyt like that..

To each one’s own..

I say, if you want to smash the ex, the handle yo candle!

If you love the single life, then live that life until you are ready to settle down. If the ex really care for you, then she will wait for you...
Nah not fishing for a plat, I just posted because these nikkas always asking for pics. I’m about to delete them though