Rell Lauren
So in a nutshell…
people were told to leave, they chose not to
Troops left and all hell broke loose
We had to send troops back to get the people that refused to leave out
more hell is breaking loose
This is all Biden’s fault?
The Embassy had been hiring as of 8/14. Messages got crossed or someone is lying. You think thousands of people are going to just refuse to leave? Pipe hitters aside (contractors), civilians aren't staying around just to stay around. Biden does own this because they didn't stick to 5/1. Afghanistan has a fighting season. Like animals, the warring tribes are at their strongest at this time of year. Had they got the civilians out, destroyed the weaponry/vehicles and then got the soldiers out, you could have let Afghanistan fall from the safety of DC. Now you have an impending migrant crisis throughout the Western world because they wanted to leave near 9/11 for pure symbolic reasons. You thought his polling was bad after this past weekend? He'll be in the 30s next week.