I really do want to know the underlying reasons why they do this is though?
Is it really self hate, and the idea that Black women are unattractive and unwanted confirms their projection of that hate onto us?
Is it shame, where they know theirs something very abnormal about the way Black men elevate features of other races over their own, so they try to deflect it back on Black women and say we're just as guilty?
Or is it really just as simple as white worship? I mean the way some of them talk about white men it is as if they are deities. Like you said, they aren't hard to get,
I think that all three factors are at hand here if I were to put it in order from most important to least then it'd be: self hate, white worship and then shame. I really can't understand why some black men over here- I haven't seen any Coli ladies say this- refuse to believe that some black people don't find white people attractive. Pale skin and thin lips are not attractive to me.