Living the dream
He doesn't interact with anyone, except in drug filled flashbacks.
Yeah. He's Tyler.
Edit* actually, I could have sworn he responded to someone individually and had them respond back. No? God damn USA. Lol

He doesn't interact with anyone, except in drug filled flashbacks.
Do you think that it will be the end twist for everyone except nerds like us who read recaps and listen to podcasts and shyt?
There was also a line in the episode "You're not Elliot, you're...".
I hope that they're not making ELLIOT a Tyler Durden too.
Speaking of HBO shows the black guy reminds me of Lester Freamon from the wirejust happened
I dont know but it was piff
Anyone peep the homage to the Sopranos funhouse episode with the talking fish and the smiling poster
Our main character is a junkie brehs
He was in BansheeSpeaking of HBO shows the black guy reminds me of Lester Freamon from the wire