Notorious 1 E.Y.E.
Hulk (Ang Lee)
same here
Hulk (Ang Lee)
Superman Returns
Batman and Robin.
1. Munich-many people haven't even seen it which is weird because I think its one of the most brilliant movies of the past 25 years...its easily the most underrated...such a powerful story not because of the internal plot, but the themes that apply to all levels of society...a film that haunts you and stays with you and solidified Spielberg as the second greatest director with atleast 2 PERFECT films (Coppola is first and Scorsese is 3rd)
2.The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford-Another slept on brilliant film that people just haven't watched. I will defend it like Munich to the death.
There are plenty more, but I wanted these 2 to get the shine they deserve for being my line of work, I find these films' themes to perfectly correlate the socioeconomic conditions of globalization, capitalism, racism, and inherent inequality in America and the world.
I LOVED Only God Forgives, I had absolutely no idea people hated it until every friend I talked to about it told me soOnly God Forgives, that's probably the most recent example I can think of, especially because it was literally hated by audiences and critics alike.
Crash..and i catch so much hell for it![]()
District 9....i consider it a cult classic everyone i know hates it
thought they were making a sequel too![]()
People don't like CLoverfield?
I LOVED Only God Forgives, I had absolutely no idea people hated it until every friend I talked to about it told me soLike I don't no one person other than myself who liked it
Why don't people like Crash? Great movie imo
Damn, everyone I know loved District 9![]()
My best friend has a standing bet with me: If I can get through that movie, the whole thing, and not think it's the worst thing ever, he will buy me a movie of my choosing . That's how bad he thinks it is
I will say this though: I think it's one of those movies that you have to watch at the movie theater, allowing yourself to be totally immerged in it. The music and atmosphere really make up a big part of why I enjoyed it, so it might not work if you watch it at your place with stuff that distracts you. And it's not an "action" movie or whatever, I think that's why a lot of people don't like it, expecting one thing and getting another.
Yeah I feel you. I'm still going to take him up on his offer. He loved Drive and thought this would be in the same league and he said that he couldn't do it.
1. wyatt earp - long as hell and most people find kevin costner boring but its one of my favorite movies and my favorite western
2. scott pilgrim
3. the patriot
I think what hurts Wyatt Earp from getting that love is Tombstone
you are the fukkin Don..i love the DK flick..classic quotes and!!!Trippin'
Don King Only in America
you are the fukkin Don..i love the DK flick..classic quotes and!!!