Roman Brady
Nobody Lives Forever
the truman show

the truman show
nahthe truman show
i am glad you said it but nobody wants to admit it.That flick was the first time i watched a nolan product thinking hes trying too hardThe Dark Knight Rises.
Love Nolan and almost everything he has made. But the movie was a let down. He could have done better.i am glad you said it but nobody wants to admit it.That flick was the first time i watched a nolan product thinking hes trying too hard
you were born in the 90s i take it, u had to be at least 13+ around the time timecop came out to truly realize what a movie like that brought to the table.White Man's Burden... the epitome of a good concept executed badly.
I'll also throw in Timecop... movie was so wack.. but a great concept
some of you folks are seriously missing the purpose of the thread these movies were great and were executed just fine, come off itNick of time
The number 23
last action hero (ahead of its time)
Dawn of the dead remake (should've worked with updated effects but was way uneven)
New nightmare
stop trollin, that film upon first viewing was a damn near modern classicLimitless
yupstop trollin, that film upon first viewing was a damn near modern classic
in an era of sequels, adaptations and remakes u have to at least give it style points for originality.What exactly was your problem with its execution? like what would u have done differentlyLimitless could have been a bonafide classic tho.
the hey arnold movie, lol nah but after earth, red tails, the divide, safe house, cosmopolis, the purge, red dawn, elysium and the great gatsby.
ht it was good, could have been better thoThe Purge.
Every description of this movie sounded like it would be dope.
The Purge.
Every description of this movie sounded like it would be dope.
Snow White and the Huntsmen
Red Tails