Best of the Best
Movie is corny af
pt 1 and 2 are classics pt 3 was
Best of the Best
Movie is corny af
Blank Check does no hold up to grown up perception. Kid was spending WAY more than 1 milli even in early 90s. Then he dates a grown ass woman, that chick is a predator kid where are your parents!
I hated it back then too.batman forever... I always hated batman and robin
I can't even remember what happened in The Neverending Story 2
Castor was this close to getting his pedo on with that daughter.Faceoff, loved it as a kid, rewatched again as an adult and shyt sucked
Everytime I think of his movies, I think of Charlie Sheen waiting behind the camera like .Used to be a big Corey Feldman fan when i was a kid. Watched all his movies. All of them were trash though looking back except for the ones where he only had a supporting role, like Goonies, Stand By Me, & Lost Boys
That was the other CoreyEverytime I think of his movies, I think of Charlie Sheen waiting behind the camera like .
Faceoff, loved it as a kid, rewatched again as an adult and shyt sucked