Movies that got a "bad/low rating" that u liked

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Not at all. So it's not as good as the book is the issue?

Not really just the fact that it’s not as good. The best way to y’all explain it.

Take a character like a Wolverine you’re familiar.

Say if someone made a movie about him and it started with him getting caught by Stryker. And say they keep his origin up to that point but everything afterwards changes.

He’s not a mutant, doesn’t have claws but wears Shredder or ninja like hand blades. He goes to meet Xavier who is just a Doctor/scientist with resources but no powers and his right hand person is Jean Gray who is an up and coming Scientist who assist him and happens to be his daughter.

Then they come up on some global conspiracy where Stryker is basically trying to release this plague on the world that will kill half the population and Logan with Dr X and Jean are against the clock trying to stop him.

Sabertooth is just some hired henchman and no other X-men characters or villains are in the movie.

That’s kinda how they did Wanted. They changed it..... there are no “curved bullets” in the book.

Seriously if you get a chance, go back and read the graphic novel. I’m sure you’re enjoy it, it’s not that long of a read to like say Watchmen



All Star
Sep 21, 2014
New Yawk
This is about movies that got low ratings upon release. Boomerang got shytted on by critics when it released. There was one review on the LA Times I believe that said the movie wasn’t realistic because there were only Black people working at the company:mjpls:
Only 31 years old, Murphy, if "Boomerang" is any indication, is having himself an identity crisis. Once one of the funniest of men, with $1 billion in worldwide grosses to prove it, he now, like Robin Williams before him, seems to feel that comedy isn't quite good enough. Instead he wants to be thought of as a romantic leading man, a suave successor to Cary Grant and friends. Not only is that a role that Murphy has no particular flair for, it also leads to a squandering of the considerable talent he does have.

Buried somewhere in the lackluster script by Barry W. Blaustein and David Sheffield (the duo officially credited with "Coming to America") is the very viable idea of a Casanova who gets his comeuppance. The problem is that Murphy, determined to portray a nice guy no matter what, doesn't have the nerve to play Marcus as the cad he has to be if his chastisement is to mean anything.
I thought this was an interesting take

Eddie really could've been the black Jerry Lewis (writing/directing/producing your own comedy movies) but either had no interest or wasn't able to because of insecure cacs, as shown here
The most intriguing aspect of "Boomerang" turns out to be not its story but its racial composition, for this film takes pains to create a reverse world from which white people are invisible except when comic relief is called for. Aside from an insipid waitress, a bumbling racist store clerk and four beefy young slaves (the credits coyly lists them as escorts) who are enthusiastically whipped by Strange as they pull her chariot through New York's World Financial Center (don't ask), the only pale American face prominently visible belongs to Capt. James Kirk of the Starship Enterprise, eulogized by Marcus as "the coolest white man on the planet." On one level, this kind of cinematic affirmative action can be seen as very long overdue, but, unlike the dramatically motivated all-black cast of "A Rage in Harlem," it feels in its own way as silly and arbitrary as mainstream movies without any people of color on the screen.
Cac showed what he really meant because Shatner is canadian :sas2:
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May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
Who doesn't like Boomerang?! Eddie Murphy fukkin' classic!
Trading Places
Coming to America
Boomerang are his best work.

Harlem Nights is cool, but for that cast it needed to be way funnier. I admit I was disappointed.
Not sure I would put Trading Places over Beverly Hills Cop. Honestly all that shyt is classic. Lol