Movies like Fight Club and Blade Runner 2049 are too cerebral for the average movie going audience so I’m not surprised they flopped
Blade runner lives in lore as being the greatest after party aired visuals ever made.
As it strikes up this type of convo.
Man,....i was club'n joe.
At this after party after after hours like five six seven in the morning.
Till it ends at 11am.
Man, it was this movie playing. With crazy ass white bois.
In the future with white stocking caps and flying cars and shyt.
It had han solo in it.
Plus the police chief from miami vice. Was like this cool ass next level ass dude.
nikkaz swore you was buggin........
That is why bladerunner is bladerunner.
It is the greatest wtf conversation piece in after hours after party nightlife and movie history.
You knew an after party was next level.
if blade runner was playing on a large projector.
to a white sheet somewhere in the venue.
Art Barr