Panther kills bear by jumping on back and ripping out his throat
Panther kills bear by jumping on back and ripping out his throat
Ok, you're getting outrages with the grizzly disrespect.
Answer this: Would you rather be in a cage with a puma or a grizzly?
Those accounts you're giving are romanticized fiction. Ain't no gotdayum dog killed a damp grizzly. I put my life on that!
Ok, you're getting outrages with the grizzly disrespect.
Still waiting for your striking feats claim in the kodiak bear african lion thread, breh.
In a cage? What the hell would that even prove? If you wanna be in denial, thats your choice.
Ohhhh, so explain to me in a scientific manner, how the bears trachea is different from every other mammal on the planet, and that when it is crushed, the bear will not die? The equation is not if the animal A can get to animal B by diluting the equation of the bear has fangs, so the latter animal cannot get past it, the bear has claws, so the opposing cannot by pass it, the bear has bulk, size or what ever you wanna evade the initial question as...the question is, if something with enough force like a bite from a medium sized animal was to crush the bears trachea (because wolves can crush the necks of bison)....
You are saying the bear will not die? (you put your life on that, lol)
Wholey shyt, maybe you should try out for being a scientist, you will break the known world or biology if you can prove bears, the only animal in existence who is immune to throat bites, who has necks made of steel, whos trachea is impenetrable to a nuclear bomb, when country's get bombed, they find remains of bear necks. lol
Firstly, in so many words of lack thereof, of course you rather face a cougar than a bear.
Now, wolves like most dogs lack the skill and precision to kill with throat, jugular and nape bites. They "worry" animals to death. Meaning they just bite and hold on anywhere. Prey usually dies from exhaustion and blood lose, or is eaten alive.
A hunter, biologist, vet, etc., can always identify if the killer of livestock is canine or feline. Felines kill with a clean bite. Animals killed by canines have bites all over.
Are you aware of the several bites used by felines to kill and it's relation to size of prey?
I'm 20 years rusty in this stuff...
What disrespect? The bear gets killed by less formidable animals, I'm not making these things up, just presenting it. Its not my fault the bear flops in fighting statistics.
Breh you are totally disrespecting the bear. This coming from someone who has lived in grizzly and polar bear country.
I promise you rather run through Hell in gasoline draws than square up with a grizzly. If you're on a tundra and you spot a polar bear bear a mile may as well lie down and die.
Ordinary humans with knifes have killed grizzly bears. Did anyone with a knife kill a bull elephant or a blue whale? Hence, the bear is not something that demands everyone to bow before its awesome unkillable status, its just an ordinary mammal, no different than 1,000's of other animals. I treat the bear with the respect it deserves. And it in no way deserves more respect than the puma, especially since the puma is vastly more powerful in their size comparison.
Pumas kill things 10x there own size, can a bear do that?
Mountain lions can jump 5x there own length and height, can a bear do that?
These panthers have ridiculous speed, agility and dexterity, are bears known for agility?
Cougars are pure carnivore and kill hundreds of animals a year, do bears kill that much?
Again, no disrespecting here, just pointing out all the flaws, stats and inferiority the bear has under the cougar. It just sounds as if you have no argument that suggest a bear would beat a cougar, other than saying anyone who favors the puma is undermining the bear. Thats not how you prove anything.
Breh...ordinary humans have choked puma, leopards, and tigers to death. With bare hands! That's that 1:100 occurrence.
A bear is an athlete also. They're not Hussain Bolt or Jordan type athletes. Maybe more Mike't think of a big guy right now but you get the point.
They aren't Rb or WR or Safety or LB. They are that 300lb DL who can dunk a basketball. Who can run down quarterbacks. It's well known that a bear can catch a horse over short distances. Have you ever seen a car a bear wanted something out of? I looks like the hand of God reached down and opened it.
Now you're right, a bear is not a predator actually, except for the polar bear. It's more a opportunistic hunter. If while it's eating berries a caribou or moose is lacking they have a problem.
And don't get me wrong, behind the leopard and jaguar, the puma is my favorite animal. I'm well familiar with them. For instance they have the longest canines of any big cat. They break the neck of elk. The largest prey animal they will attempt. Cougar are not attacking healthy moose breh. Only wolf packs and grizzly or brown bears will do that.
I've pulled over on the side of the road to take a piss and as I opened my door a grizzly is about 30 feet away. Shut the door and drove off carefully...
A bear is the size of a car breh...
Think a bear can't jump if you want too
Think a bear isn't agile if you want
A cougar is not going to fight a grown grizzly unless there's no escape and it has too. And a bear will break it's back with one blow.