most technically perfect verse

the rhyme king
May 1, 2012
i refuse to conform
i hear you b. but if u use too big of words u gonna end up like cannibus. dope as f*ck but only hardcore lyrical fans, not many, are going to buy it.

i think if u wanna be technical and still appeal in the mainstream the best way to still be technical is prolly to string together 1-2 syllable words. its proly easier to talk about anything like this too. anything more and ppl mite just not pick up what ur trying to say. and ur gonna limite urself to scientific sounding sh!t/

well it was canibus content that through people off imo
not his lyrics

and i never said u have to use " big words " in order for it to be a multi

i meant to say it has to match in syllable count for it to have a smooth flow and not just be more then one syllable and rhyme


carlos danger
Jun 18, 2012
well it was canibus content that through people off imo
not his lyrics

and i never said u to use " big words " in order for it to be a multi

i meant to say it has to match in syllable count for it to have a smooth flow and not just be more then one syllable and rhyme

yeah i know bout this. i can be a rap nerd too. lol.

i just wish these kids were. i'm sure if someone like pun or L came along again they will be.

the rhyme king
May 1, 2012
i refuse to conform
hospin is dope man.

just peeped him now. he is a lot like em.

nikkaz is flossin a lot, time to start extortin the plot
Just a portion of prod' off the top for my Porsche and my yacht
Somethin for the cops to keep em blind, so we can crime
with piece of mind, turn the key and shine without bein down

pun was a beast with multis he rhyme everything perfectly
May 2, 2012
This obsession with rhyme schemes is pretty weird man. What kind of sick freak are you to have a word fetish? Dont you think about anything else?

Harry Sax

Formally mr 321
May 1, 2012
what about this one brehs

hoes know we dont play, stomach fulla rozay
they say a nikka shinin like im fukkin wit dem oyays
a nikka gettin money like a gangsta in tha ol days
whole building froze like a blazer at a 4 way
thats bad newz slidin thru, hide ya bytches hide ya boos
nikkas cannot hide tha hate my polo denim hide my tool
we shinin but we hungry, if u eatin betta hide ya food
webbie back up on these streets and killa kane a rider too
but we dnt come for trouble, we just wanna celebrate
sip a cpl liquors hit tha purple kush and levitate
bytches grabbin on me screamin at me boy u betta take
my numbers nikka use em hit me up so we can set a date
shinin to tha point that p*ssy nikkas cannot stand me
im fresher than ya daddy tha night that he snatched ya mammy
and if u lookin at me playa it aint hard to find me
im prolly in the corner wit yo babymama shinin


Eternal Tecate

May 2, 2012
u got the concept right but multis to me are syllables that not only rhyme but match in syllable count

MULTIES - Basic & Advanced

I see a lot of people on the site (both newbs & vets) not knowin what multis are & identifyin them wrong... so i thought id drop this guide usin some good examples i used on the site (No, it aint recyclin lol)


bla bla dikk bla bla kick bla bla thick
bla bla quick bla bla stick bla bla trick
^ A lot of people think that is a multi because you rhyme the same sound multiple times, but that IS NOT a multi...


Multi means multi-syllable rhymin...
This is basically a link up of words with the same amount of total syllables that are used more than once in a bar & sound similar

For example:
Stabbin this kid with used needles, providin infections-that-maim
Might be good, but ill smear ya rep worse than an election-campaign

They sound the same and have the same syllable count... syllables are just the amount of sections you cut the words down into...

In-fec-tions-that-maim - 5 Syllables
E-lec-tion-cam-paign - 5 Syllables

That keeps the flow on point and gives your multi a hard hittin edge
If your multis dont have the same syllable count, it makes your flow sound off and they will not be anywhere near as effective

You can use multis in sets of threes or more as you get better with them, for example:
Ill haunt-and-maim-ya, youll want-a-saviour
Coz ill put you in pain for weeks like a torture-chamber

Haunt-and-maim-ya - 4 syllables
Want-a-sav-iour - 4 syllables
Tor-ture-cham-ber - 4 syllables

You might even wanna try usin 2 sets of multis, like this:
Your flows-so-hopeless-kid, for real im rapin-your-script-son
Leave your bones-all-broken-bytch with this blazin-enscription

Flows-so-hope-less-kid - 5 Syllables (Set 1)
Bones-all-bro-ken-bytch - 5 Syllables (Set 1)
Ra-pin-your-script-son - 5 Syllables (Set 2)
Bla-zin-en-scrip-tion - 5 Syllables (Set 2)

and here is a rhyme dictionary called rhyme zone that will help you with what rhymes and what don't rhymes

RhymeZone rhyming dictionary and thesaurus
