richaveli83 Veteran Joined Sep 10, 2015 Messages 55,398 Reputation 21,069 Daps 272,992 Reppin Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas Apr 20, 2020 #106
Deltron The Return Top Supporter Supporter Hall of Fame Joined May 27, 2012 Messages 49,397 Reputation 21,643 Daps 150,613 Reppin The year 3030 Apr 20, 2020 #107 watched this the other day... had no idea the Johnny/Scorp fight was extended, and it originally ended in the forest...or that Reptile fight was added after
watched this the other day... had no idea the Johnny/Scorp fight was extended, and it originally ended in the forest...or that Reptile fight was added after
Ziggiy Veteran Hall of Fame Joined May 2, 2012 Messages 66,360 Reputation 28,943 Daps 395,096 Reppin Ft. Stewart, Ga Feb 14, 2023 #108 MORTAL KOMBAAAAAATTTTTTTT