Hopefully itsreal85 makes more vids off this one
Mhmmnmmmmmmm hold up run that shyt back!

Hopefully itsreal85 makes more vids off this one
Dont get your hopes up here. Its a staple of the series.I hope the animation isn’t stiff this time.
Supposedly leaked emails.. so take with a grain of salt
It's a multiverse concept so they might be doing that. Each version of each character will have the fatalities from that nice if they kept all previous fatalities and brutalities and just added an entire new set
Some things I'd like to see:
- Dark Raiden/Corrupted Raiden as the main boss.
- Dark Emperor Liu Kang/Empress Kitana as a sub boss.
- Ermac play a bigger role than he did MKX. I thought it would've made more sense to have him battle Rain rather than it being Kotal vs. Mileena/Baraka and Rain/Tanya.
- Return of Noob Saibot. Wouldn't mind seeing him being a sub boss again. I hated them combining him with Smoke in Deception. If he's combined with another character, it should be Ermac. Noob made his exit in MK9 being kicked into a Soulnado by Nightwolf. Since Ermac is composed of souls and kind of reenergizes via a soulnado, it would be cool, if Noob became a part of him.
Some good shyt here. I think one thing both 'recent' MK games have lacked is character depth for the role player characters like Reptile, Ermac and Baraka etc. They need more development.
Yeah, Reptile has been just kind of there serving the agenda of whoever was in power. He's a classic character and deserves more. Even in his ending in the last game, he makes this discovery of his race and instead of leading them, he's bowing down to what looks like the queen of his race. I really hope they expand on his character with this game. With Liu Kang and Kitana in control of the Nether Realm and Raiden now seems like he's out to eliminate all threats to Earth Realm, I would like to see a power play over the liberation of the realms;
Liu Kang and Kitana- conquering or attempting to conquer other realms and merging them. They could even tie this in with the One Being and they are unknowingly doing his bidding.
Ermac- leading a resistance against Liu Kang and Kitana to prevent them from conquering Outworld. At the same time, he's fending off Edenians (Rain and Tanya), and maybe alliances are formed to also stop Raiden from attempting to destroy Outworld altogether. Again, it would be interesting if he merged with Noob and combined they are a serious threat to Kang, Kitana, and Raiden. If he revealed himself to be Jerrod or that Jerrod is one of the souls trapped within him, it could shake up the story a bit. Also, he or he and Noob raising an army of Lin Kuei cyborgs controlled by his spirits to defend Outworld would be dope.
Reptile- having found his race were originally from Earth Realm, he forms his own regime to prevent his race from being annexed again. Chameleon and Khameleon are his generals and he finds an ally in Nitara. It would be dope if Reptile also was on the hunt for those Kamidogu so he could become the dragon king himself.
Raiden- just on the warpath waging wars with some of those elder deities and even destroying a few realms in the process because he is proactively destroying any threats to Earth Realm. He needs to be seen as a force that must be stopped.
Yeah, Reptile has been just kind of there serving the agenda of whoever was in power. He's a classic character and deserves more. Even in his ending in the last game, he makes this discovery of his race and instead of leading them, he's bowing down to what looks like the queen of his race. I really hope they expand on his character with this game. With Liu Kang and Kitana in control of the Nether Realm and Raiden now seems like he's out to eliminate all threats to Earth Realm, I would like to see a power play over the liberation of the realms;
Liu Kang and Kitana- conquering or attempting to conquer other realms and merging them. They could even tie this in with the One Being and they are unknowingly doing his bidding.
Ermac- leading a resistance against Liu Kang and Kitana to prevent them from conquering Outworld. At the same time, he's fending off Edenians (Rain and Tanya), and maybe alliances are formed to also stop Raiden from attempting to destroy Outworld altogether. Again, it would be interesting if he merged with Noob and combined they are a serious threat to Kang, Kitana, and Raiden. If he revealed himself to be Jerrod or that Jerrod is one of the souls trapped within him, it could shake up the story a bit. Also, he or he and Noob raising an army of Lin Kuei cyborgs controlled by his spirits to defend Outworld would be dope.
Reptile- having found his race were originally from Earth Realm, he forms his own regime to prevent his race from being annexed again. Chameleon and Khameleon are his generals and he finds an ally in Nitara. It would be dope if Reptile also was on the hunt for those Kamidogu so he could become the dragon king himself.
Raiden- just on the warpath waging wars with some of those elder deities and even destroying a few realms in the process because he is proactively destroying any threats to Earth Realm. He needs to be seen as a force that must be stopped.
It would be dope if we had one game where the story arc was a ninja clan warAll the classic ninja characters cant be important just because their fan favorites. The story hasn't nor never was about them. Scorpion and Sub-Zero are the most popular and important ninjas and their story is a sub-plot.