No one is demonizing poor people but you'd be lying to yourself if you said it didn't cost poor people very little (money wise) to have children.
It's just funny that you act as if poor people are the only ones that benefit from goverment money, while you drive on public roads, send your kids to public school, and go to a job you got due to your publicly funded education. I guess the government has "provided everything you need " as well
LOL Yeah but I pay taxes.
My point is a main reason that stops people from having children is the cost and poorer people have lower costs and typically have more children than say a person that doesn't qualify for government assistance.
The Obama administration on Wednesday appealed a federal judges order to lift all age limits on who can buy morning-after birth control pills without a prescription.
The decision came a day after the Food and Drug Administration had lowered the age that people can buy the Plan B One-Step morning-after pill without a prescription to 15 younger than the current limit of 17 and decided that the pill could be sold on drugstore shelves near the condoms, instead of locked behind pharmacy counters.
With the appeal, the government is making clear that its willing to ease access to emergency contraception only a certain amount not nearly as broadly as doctors groups and contraception advocates have urged.
Read more:
No one is demonizing poor people but you'd be lying to yourself if you said it didn't cost poor people very little (money wise) to have children.
Obama Admin has decided to appeal this ruling:
White House officials insisted Wednesday that both the FDA and the Justice Department were acting independently of the White House in deciding how to proceed.
You can't really separate a President from his Justice Department in a situation like this though. And of course WH officials are going to try to distance Obama from thisJD appeal because it has caused a backlash against the admin from women's groups and reiginites that old saw about the Obama Admin not being as pro-woman/pro-choie as they are expected to be.
I'll wait to see what they have to say
It will be interesting to see what they come out with because the current optics are totally painting this administration into a corner what with Kathryn Sebellius blocking the FDA from making the pill available over the counter in 2011 and now the Justice Department appealing this ruling.