More Americans View Blacks As Racist Than Whites, Hispanics


May 21, 2012
It's disturbing but telling, there seems to be a large amount
of people online who believe racism
is a thing of the past that is only perpetuated by delusional
blacks who've been "trained" to see racism.

Kind of disgusting to be honest, we can't have a
real conversation about the effects of Racism if people
completely ignore that it exists.

Dana said:
• 5 days ago −
Thanks Jesse Lee Peterson!! You said everything that needs to be said! I also can not take it anymore. I do not want it to end in a bigger tragedy. This has to stop! The black racism is tolerated and fed by the media and the left. Intimidation is used anytime. The country is collapsing. Injustice everywhere. This has to stop!

Thank you with all my heart! We need more Americans like you.

One of many comments from the article posted by the Peterson alias.
In this link :

This isn't the only place you can see such comments.
Twitter, Tumbler,facebook, youtube and various other websites
not only show similar comments but some put a FACE and a real name to these


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
This perception is largely due to conservative media, IMO. Those running it go pretty far out of their way portray all black people as lazy, stupid people who only vote Democrat because they want handouts and always want to play the "race card". That kind of stuff changes people's views.

You have people on FOX News acting as if most black people agree with groups like the New Black Panthers (when most don't even know who they are) or as if it's normal for black people to go around randomly attacking people of other ethnicities.

Years of listening to stuff like that probably has a lot of white people walking around paranoid that every black person hates them.
May 14, 2013
There is some backwards a$$ whiteboy thinking going on behind this logic here. :usure:

Racism in America exists primarily BECAUSE of white people. Think about it. White people created segregation. Every hood in America used to be 99.9% white once upon a time. When there were factory jobs for blacks galore in every big city in America in the 40's and 50's, blacks did not think twice about living in neighborhoods that were predominantly white. Thats right. Blacks who worked good jobs at factories back then had no qualms about living next door to whitey. That is, until Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. It was the white people who refused to live too close to too many black folks. When too many blacks moved in, whites said "there goes the neighborhood" and packed they sh!t and left to live in another neighborhood or another town. The old neighborhood was left to rot. Blockbusting practices created nearly all black neighborhoods. Factories that black folks used to work at were shutdown permanently or relocated overseas.

Then magically, tons of dope and coke from South America found its way into every ghetto in America. :stopitslime: Like Spice 1 said "From across the seas comes cocaine/but you'll never a see a black man fly the plane". Those good factory jobs were replaced with the first and fifteenth of the month. Uncle Sam throwing jobless black people enough money every month to get drunk and high. The ghetto was born.

As we can see here, upper middle class whites who rarely voice their racism in public for fear of getting beaten or maybe even killed, are perpetrators of institutional racism. There was the recent study of the unemployed black woman with the stellar resume who started getting flooded with job offers once she started checking off "white" on online job application forms and the like:

Black Woman Pretends To Be White, Job Offers Skyrocket (VIDEO) -

Institutional racism that is built into America just doesn't negatively effect blacks either. Look at the state of Native Americans in this country. They sky high rates of obesity and alcoholism.

The black racism that people are describing in this thread is reactionary. Black youth flash mobs are attacking whites in big cities from Philly to Chicago to Denver because of lack of opportunity. In an economy where hundreds of thousands of white college grads can't get a job at Wendy's, what the hell do you think black kids in the hood are going through?! :snoop:

Young Black Men, and The Power of Flash Mobs!! :

Two years ago, approximately 90% of working age black male teens in Chicago were jobless in the summer. Somehow, just somehow, if many of those kids had jobs, I don't think they would be beating up on some old rich white dude. The flash mobs are a manifestation of the anger and resentment disenfranchised young blacks in the city have towards white yuppies and the like who have had easy a$$ lives and have pretty much everything in life handed to them on a silver platter, comparatively speaking. :manny:

I don't blame some of these kids. Many of them were born into sad situations due to no fault of their own yet they live in neglected crime-ridden communities in big cities very close nearby a self-absorbed aristocratic class of sheltered pampered white people who don't know what struggle even smells like. :why: