I have never been called a racial slur in my entire life by whites, hispanics, arabs or indians. only blacks. I mean all I did was work at a local store as an Asian employee. It's unbelievable how many times i was called racial slurs or referred to as "Chinese", which is even worse in my eyes. " Blacks are raised to be racist haters"-- I heard that from a caller on the Michael Savage show in monday. It is a sign of the times.
I am glad more people are waking up to it. I bet a lot of it has to do with public schools.
Blacks routinely terrorized other groups in my school district back then. One event was called white Wensday. Every Wensday Blacks would beat up a random white person just because they felt like it.
I saw the massive protest of Asian students in philly because the racist bullying of blacks. Of course it is ignored and brushed aside but administrators, but let one black suffer one tiny bit of racism and it's blasted over the national news like it's the 1960s.
What about that band of white girls in the Oakland school system that complained about bullying and racism? Yup, nobody cared. Not black? Not gay? Then bullying is just a part of life. Black? Then the whole world is to blame.
shut the fucc up